NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit KATHLEEN DUNCAN, Plo:intiff-Appellant, ' V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee. 2011-5066 _ Appeal from the United States C0urt of Federal Claims in case no. 10-CV-698, Judge Christine O.C. Miller. ON MOTION ORDER Kathleen Duncan moves for leave to proceed in forma pauperis, which the court treats as her response to the l\/lay 23, 2011 order Upon consideration there0f, IT ls ORDERE;o THAT: (1) The l\/lay 23, 2011 dismissal order is vacated, the mandate is recalled and the appeal is reinstated DUNCAN V. US 2 (2) The motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is granted (3) The United States should calculate the due date for its brief from the date of Eling of this order. FoR THE COURT 22 2011 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk ccc Kath1een Duncan Joshua A. Mandlebaum, Esq. F"_E'o u.s. count or APPEA1.s FOR s2 1 . THE FEnERAL c1RculT .JUN 22'2U11 1ANHORBN.Y C|.Ell(