IN TI~IE UNI'I``EI) STATES ])IS'I``RICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MASHOUR ABDULLAH MUQBEL ALSABRI (ISN 324) Petitioner, v. Civil Action No. 06~1767 (RCL) BARACK OBAM``A, President of the Uniteci States, et m'., Respondents. ed: ORDER Upon consideration of Respondents’ U``nopposed Motion for Extensiolx of Time to Respond to the Court’s May 6, 2013 Order, it is hereby ORDERED that l. Respondents’ motion is GRANTED; 2. Respondents shall respond to the Couzt’s May 6, 2013 Order no later than June ]2, 2013. Signed by Royce C. La:nberth, Chief]clcige, on H'»<»_~;/ 9 , 2013