COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE Sam Glasscock III CHANCERY COURTHOUSE VICE CHANCELLOR 34 The Circle GEORGETOWN, DELAWARE 19947 AND Leonard L. Williams Justice Center 500 NORTH KING STREET, SUITE 11400 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19980-3734 March 28, 2018 Richard Berl, Jr., Esquire Michael S. Davis Berl & Feinberg LLP Debra L. Davis 34382 Carpenter’s Way, Suite 3 1297 North Bend Road Lewes, Delaware 19958 Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084 RE: Pullin v. Davis, C.A. No. 11829-VCG Dear Litigants: The Plaintiffs’ request for attorney’s fees was filed after my Final Order was entered. This matter is currently on appeal and I am without jurisdiction. Accordingly, I will take no further action on the Pullins’ request for fee shifting. Mr. Davis responded to my request for commentary on the fee request by sending a letter directly to me in chambers. As Davis is undoubtedly aware, all correspondence must be directed through the Register in Chancery and filed on the docket. I have forwarded Davis’ letter to the Register for filing; in the future, I will return correspondence from any party sent directly to me to the sender, unopened. As to the substance of Davis’s response, he sent me two one-dollar bills and asked me to distribute one dollar to the Pullins and one dollar to their counsel. While Oscar Wilde was no doubt himself indulging in sarcasm when he adjudged sarcasm the lowest form of wit, I find much truth in the sentiment. I have asked the Register in Chancery to send a check to Mr. Davis for $1.53, representing $2 cash paid less the cost of postage incurred by the State. Alas, the cost to the taxpayers of state employees’ time expended is unrecoverable. To the extent that the foregoing requires an order to take effect, IT IS SO ORDERED. Sincerely, /s/ Sam Glasscock III Vice Chancellor cc: Register in Chancery