DocketNumber: CPU6-14-000469
Judges: Beauregard J.
Filed Date: 3/31/2016
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/5/2016
IN TI'IE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN ANID FUR SUSSEX CDUNTY DENISE DUNCAN, F’tain|:iff, C.A. No. CPUG~]»§~UGO¢}GQ ]BS CONSTRUCTIC``IN’, LLC, Defelwdant, f \»._..¢\.._.»*-....»=‘~._-="~»._r\~._.#~».._»'\_z\._z Bubmitted February 1, 2016 Decidc~d March 31, 2016 Vc``ctc)r:'zz ]. Hnjfr:~:az;z, Et=.z¢y,, rzttt)rzzt.*_z;_&)r plaintiff Tastz.a. M. Stc:z)r:'::::, Es¢.}., ¢:H'¢;=rzrej;_for I``J»sj"e'ncftzrzt DECISION A.FTEI{ TRIAL Thc C-ourt is calh:d. 11}3011 to resolve a dispute betz~‘e.en Flaintiff t'non'»ebuyet' Ms. Denise Duncan and Dct``endzu'\t humebuildel‘ and ven.dc)r ]B§ Cunstructi¢;)n, LLC, regarding the construction ot a new hc)me. Thc Cwurt must tiute~rrmninc whether am express »varreunty exi.:ezted, and if 50, whether it was breachedl. T'h@ Court is also asked to decide xx»'hothur Dcfelir.iaut l"rreacl"¢ed the iu‘r*¢pli@r.i warrautj,»' of good quality ami worl1993 WL 31255ar wnrkinaiiship. W',lieii asked by Defeiidant whether what was seen could be attributable to the iiatiirai expansion and contraction of i=vooci, Mr. Hey’n said no because the amount cit unevenness in the dr;vv»sall was too great, and because he did not see any cracks in the jniiit:-;. Ht)wever, §v’ir. l``ieyn’s report iiotes lie ciid see cr;icit;s.?¥ Mr. Heyn said cracks wc)ulci be indicative uf structural prol:»leiiis if they were greater than ``1,-"4". I'iow'evcr, he could not renieniboi' tire size of the cracks he s;avv. Mr. Wardw'eil testified if the ceiling j»oints wifere unevcii,. cracks ivuiild be vieil.)le. Mr. Wnrciwe]l did not Plaioiiiff"s i§:~:liil‘)its ‘?}, i(ll. 14 rornclnbcr seeing early cracks or tinevr:nness on Plaintiff’s <:eiling. Mr. Warcix»vell also doesn't :remelnlver' Plaiiitift raising this issue prior to the Mr. Hej,frt’s report lt tieitlier tx-'itriess recalled seeing the cracks, it is likely that a;ny cracks present t uyer is entitled to reasonable worl 'isiiig. l\.»lr. Wardwell’s inability to recall specific dates he supervised work at Plaiiitiff's home does not convince the Court that he nies not there l"vir. Warclwell testified that both he and Defendant'ss co-oiviier snperx¢ised the sul:>contractors, and the Court found this testiinoriy crodible. Tl*:e Court cannot find Defenolarit breached its duty, and Plaintiff has not demonstrated Deferidant was negligent. Miscellaneous Daniages- 25 Defciitiazit's Ansvv'er. 17 Plaintitf teatit``icd she purchased several upgrades to her lic)me, one of whicli was an outside spigtit. Shc alleges Detariclar\t failed to install the apigot. Plaintittf introduced a july 23, 201l invoice shcwvirig' she tvas charged $ 125 for the spigot.?"’ Detenctaiit did ;nc:t address this coniplaint. Plaintiff’s testiii'iony, in cc)iiji.lnctiori with the invoice, seerns credible to the Cc)uirt. Plaiiititt is awarded $ 125 to compensate her for Defendant’$ failure ti) iiistall the Spigt)t. Finally, l"‘laintiff argues the warranty she purchased for her vs/ashing rriacliinc ncaa voided nn account of the sediment in her pl\.rmhirig systein. She seeks cninp»eitsation for this and for parts needed to n:pair tlw washing iiiacl~iiiie. Flaintii”i_`` submitted a photograph of satnd l'icr the tvasliiiig, rnachinf_-. tilter. Botli lvlr. l-lt=yn and l\»’lr. Wardwell testified they saw sediment in Plaintiff’s plumhing. An employee of Willey and Ctirnptany, the subcontractor that installed the well and septic at Plai.ntift"s honie, also testified about tl'ie sediment problem. ’Defcntiant argues F’laiiitiff’s testiint)ny cannot be used to establish wvhy the xvarra:ity was vciicleci. Tha Cc»urt agrcea; Plaiiitift’s testirnony about why the warranty xvas voided ia inadmissible lte:arsay. 'l.``liuugh Plaintit``f was party to a coritract with Home Dep<)t for a warranty nn her vvashing macliine,” she cannot speak fur the conipany about the reason it allegedly canceled thc Warranty. Bec.'atiae there was no 1‘* Plaintiff's H:~ »;l'\ilvit 21 " fica Ct):nicfi tgj'tlsiit Uztu:r:'s n,t‘:'ir‘¢fri.lttivuh',r ih).'z.~:i' (]un!c». v. .H'iuzp!rr, I*)‘-)."’» Wl, 8``12?€5, at fn 3 {l)vl. Fiuper_ I"``v.~l“), lt``», 199'3}. 1" l’l'aintitf’s t``~.xltibit ``16. " l¢f. homeo‘»vrier'e warranty is i;vienk.V-’ Thus, the Court does not believe Piaintit``f relied on the existence of an express \»varrantj,r to -enter into the lu)me sales agreernent. Therefore, the Coi_n‘t iiiu:=_;t took for a separate c:onsideration, other than the purchase price of the home 'l``estirnony is clear that Piaintiff did not pay money for any of the warranty dt:»eunients she received at or ai*ound settlement or in Febri_xary 2012. Aroinid the time of Settlernent, t’iaintiff tvegari working for Defendant. She ceased x-vori .surnes that contractors in the btisiiiess ot l;)iuilding new homes iiave “the requisite skill" to perform the work they otter and thus that "the work shall be done in a sl r!r."z'i Cn¢:str., Iirc., 2009 WT. 2‘?5391, at *4 (Del. Coni. Pl. Feb. 5, 2009} {"\»'v'ork is perfornieti in a workmmilil»;e tiiaitner if the builder ’disp»layod the degree of sl (I)el. S-Super. Apr, 30, ``1993). 1" ffnre_l; 1a Estirte .o_fi``vi_z/crs, 2015 Wl.» 4087056, at *24 (Del. Sltper, july 1, 2[]15] (citail'ions on\itted]. 17 Cc)irncil of U:z;``! Uriun:rs nf'£lre¢rkrenrtc».'r Housz: (_``r»:wrzr!n. z). Siuzpl;zr,
(Del. Sctper. '1993) q'_citatiolis omitted). l~*" Re:_i;).'r)l¢is z.n l?.cfi_/)zoizis, 237 A.?_ci ?US, ?'l‘l (Del. l‘§?{)i?'). ".' worl. f:``>he argues the gusset plate requirement also applies xvheri the rafters are trained to the ridge board. On this issue, Mr. l-le;.fri"s testinmriy is not eredible. Mr, Hej,;n did not lnerely inisstate a rule or section :r\iirnber, but referenced standards for a type ot roofing not at issue in this ease Furtherrnore, sirice either proposed reacting of RSUZ.B Seeins equally plausible to the Coiirt, Plaintift has not demonstrated by a preponderance of the exfidence that Defentiant breached the implied warranty of good quality and i»t'orl ltz through a utility cravv'l space that is at least '12 inclies. The Ct)urt reviewed the relevant code but cannot, based solely on its read, rieterriiine whether access panels on the wall are required in this case. Thus, given the c¢onflictirig vvitneas testirnticiy on the issue_, credibility becomes key to the Court’s determination. Tht)ugh it is clear Mr. Wardwell, as an ox~viiei' of ]BS Colistrl.iction, L.LC, is not a disinterested witness, the Court found his testiinoiij,f to be fm'thriglit and vvell- iriforniecl. Mr. Ward‘.vell consistently c¢on:=.ulteol his IRC c~;ide brook v\fliile testifying and throughout the proceeding relied on the applicable il'ersitili cit the cc.)de. 9 Giveii l\flr, Wz-irdi‘vell’s credibility coupled with Mr, l~leyii's tires/irion czri'r)r interpreting the lf-ZC, the Cou rt cannot find Plaintiff demonstrated by ai preponderance of the evicle'ncc that Defeiitlant breached the implied v.'.zirra-inty of grind quality' and workmanship regarding the access panels. Roof deck Panels Mr. Heyri did not see a 1/8" Separation betw.-'eeri the rc»of deck panels in Plaiiitiff’s liorne. Hclips were not deed to achieve p»zinel Separation. Mr. Heyn testified roof deck panels are reciuired to have ii 1/8" separation beti~veen each panel to allow for the natural expansion and contraction of wood. Mr. l-leyn further stated that the panel rnariufnr:ttirer prints a stamp on each panel that states r'neta| liclip use is ret}uired to acliieve the l/‘fi” .~sepairation. Mr. Heyii did not have a pliotiigrziph of the stanip, loot s:.-i§fs he saw it on the panels while irispecting Plaintiff’s attic. In support of his position, Mr. l-leyn cited a TECHTII" tal;»le.?“ A footnote on that table indicates hclips can be iised as edge support I‘vlr. Wardm'ell agi‘ees a 1/8" separation beti.veen tiecl< if)aiiuls is required, but testified that Defeiidaiit's roofing Sulicontrnctor complied with thin requirement by using iiails as spaccrs. I\~"lr. Wardi~.'ell testified he supervised Defenclaiit's roofing slibcontrzictors. l-lc speculated that the separation was not visible when Mr. Heyn. inspected the proprirty, 1.5 years after the rr)<_)f iristallation, sirice the wood panels expand ancl contract C)n cross, Mr. Heyn agreed that if no clips were uscd, it would be 33 Plaiiitiff’:; E: