~uprttttt dtnurf nf ~eJE:'11 ``B'i&l 2017-SC-000240-KB. ·rmJ~ /'A [Q}ffi\1J~1a}n} 11 K,~ J2d.,,011,DC KENTUCKY BAR ASSOCIATION MOVANT V. IN SUPREME COURT CHRISTY SMITH GRAYSON RESPONDENT ·OPINION AND ORDER · Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule ("SCR") ~.380(2), the Kentucky Bar Association ("KBA") has moved this Court to indefinitely suspend Christy Smith Grayson from the practice. of law for failing to respond to charges initiated by the Inquiry Commission ("Commission") of the Kl3A. Finding sufficient cause to .do so, we grant the Commission's motion. KBA File 17-DIS-0026 .In April 2016, Grayson was retained by Ashley Williamson to assist with the adoption of a then-unborn child. Grayson received a $1,500 retainer: from Williamson for this service, but agreed to refund the retainer if the mother of the Ghild revoked consent to the adoption prior to the parties appearing in court. Shortly after giving birth, the mother revoked her consent to the adoption .. Despite this, Grayson informed Williamson that the case could go forward and refused to refund Williamson's fee. Further, Grayson did not return Williamson's calls or offer any additional explanation about the case . . Williamson was unable to reach Grayson 8.fter August 2016. · On April 17, 2017, the Commission initiated a complaint agEtlnst Grayson alleging the following violations: ·(1) SCR ~.130(1.3) (Diligence) for failing to perform work for which she had been hiz'.ed; (2) SCR 3.130(1.4),(a)(3) . . . (Communication) for failing to inforni Williamson of the status· of her ad " Grayson's failure to respond, the KBA requests that this Court iz:idefinitely suspend Grayson under SCR 3.380(2). On June.26, 2017, Grayson . . . requested additional"time to respond to the KBA's motion. On July 7, 2017, Grayson wa~ granted an extension oftime to respond. However, Grayson h~s not filed a response to·the KBA's mo1'.ion .. Having reviewed the.KBA's motion, we agree that indefi.nite suspension is warranted. ' . For the foregoing reasons, it is hereby ORDERED: L Pursuant to SCR 3.380(2), Christy Smith Grayson i.s hereby indefinitely suspended from the practice of law in the Commonwealth. of· Kentucky. 4 2; As required by SCR 3.390, Grayson, will within 10 days after the issuanc,e of this order of suspension .notio/, by letter duly placed with the . United States Postal Service, all courts or other tribunals in which she has matters pending of her suspension. Further, she will inform, by mail, all of her clients of her inability to represent them and of the necessity and urgency of promptly retaining new counsel. Grayson shall simultaneously provide a copy of all such letters of notification to the Office of Bar Counsel. Grayson shall immediately cancel any pending advertisements, to the extent possible, and shall terminate any advertising activity for the duration of the term of suspension .. 3. As stated in SCR 3.390(a), this Opinion and Order shall take effect ori the tenth (10th) c;Iay following its entry. Grayson is instructed to promptly take· . . all reasonable steps to protect the interests of her clients. She shall not during . the term .of suspension accept new clients or collect unearned fees, and shall comply with the provisions of SCR 3.130-7.50(5). All sitting. All concur. ENTERED: September 28, 2017 5