IN THE MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS HANDDOWN LIST OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 WESTERN DISTRICT THE FOLLOWING CASES WERE AFFIRMED PURSUANT TO RULE 84.16(b) AND ISSUED PER CURIAM ------------------------------------------------------------------ WD77295 Kathleen Crisp vs. Jason Hartman, et al WD77326 Consolidated with WD77295 WD77658 Demun Walker vs. State of Missouri WD77797 Terry U. Birmingham vs. State of Missouri WD77801 Renata Shearer vs. Union Pacific Railroad Company WD77802 Sandra Stanton vs. State of Missouri WD77947 James S. Cole vs. State of Missouri WD77972 Linda Smothers and Greg Smothers vs. Rose M. Trugly WD78416 Marq L. White vs. Missouri Department of Corrections THE FOLLOWING CASES WERE AFFIRMED PURSUANT TO RULE 30.25(b) AND ISSUED PER CURIAM ------------------------------------------------------------------ WD77634 State of Missouri vs. Cynthia L. Walters WD77798 State of Missouri vs. Samuel Nathaniel Allen