IN THE MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS FEBRUARY 25, 2014 WESTERN DISTRICT THE FOLLOWING CASES WERE AFFIRMED PURSUANT TO RULE 84.16(b) AND ISSUED PER CURIAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WD75425 Michael Limley vs. State of Missouri WD76313 Anthony Johnson vs. State of Missouri WD76397 Emilie Gaudin vs. Division of Employment Security WD76405 Randy Ralstin vs. State of Missouri WD76547 Second Injury Fund vs. Daneen Pennington THE FOLLOWING CASES WERE AFFIRMED PURSUANT TO RULE 30.25(b) AND ISSUED PER CURIAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WD74260 State of Missouri vs. Melissa Thompson WD76059 State of Missouri vs. Terry Lea Gardner WD76072 State of Missouri vs. Demetrius L. Boyce WD76137 State of Missouri vs. Anthony Tyrone McNack