02/16/2022 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case Number: AF 06-0651 AF 06-0651 ORIGINAL IN THE MATTER OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMISSION OF CONTINUING ORDER LEGAL EDUCATION The terms of Darcy Crum, Steven Howard, and Mary Moe on the Commission of Continuing Legal Education expired on September 30, 2021. The Court thanks all three of these individuals for their service to the Commission, to this Court and to the people of Montana. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Darcy Crum, Steven Howard, and Mary Moe are hereby reappointed to the Commission of Continuing Legal Education to terms expiring on September 30, 2024. The Clerk is directed to provide copies of this Order to Darcy Crum, Steven Howard, Mary Moe, the remaining members of the Commission of Continuing Legal Education, and to the State Bar of Montana. DATED this t 6 day of February, 2022. Chief Justice JU JA_ FILEO FEB 1 5 2022 Bowen Greenwood Clerk of Supreme Court State of liAorolana Justices :2