ORiGi NAL 10/06/2020 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case Number: DA 20-0477 DA 20-0477 ED ROBYN DRISCOLL; MONTANA OCT 0 6 2020 DEMOCRATIC PARTY;and DEMOCRATIC Bowe n Greenwooa Clerk of Suprerna Court SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE, State of Montana Plaintiffs and Appellees, ORDER v. COREY STAPLETON,in his official capacity as Montana Secretary of State, Defendant and Appellant. Appellees move for modification of this Court's September 29, 2020 Order staying the District Court's September 25 injunction against several election statutes. Appellees seek modification ofthe stay only as it pertains to the District Court's order extending the "Cure Deadline." Appellees argue that, unlike the Election Day Receipt Deadline,the Cure Deadline was never previously presented to this Court and, as our stay order recognized, Appellees were not afforded the opportunity to file a response to the Secretary's motion to stay before it was granted. As a result, they point out, this Court has not heard from Appellees about the Cure Deadline. Appellees also seek leave to file an overlength briefin support of their motion. Appellees request this Court to "specifically order that the Cure Deadline for the 2020 General Election be extended to 3 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2020, the sixth day after Election Day,at which time all information perrnitted under Sections 13-13-245(2)(a),MCA and 13-15-107, MCA must be received by county election officials." Having considered the requested relief, the Court is disinclined to grant the request. In our September 29 Opinion in Cause No.DA 20-0295,reversing the District Court's preliminary injunction against the Election Day Ballot Receipt Deadline, we faulted the court for "substitut[ing its] choice of faulted the court for "substitut[ing its] choice of deadline for that of the Legislature." Opinion,¶ 28. Appellees ask us to do the same. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Appellees' motion to modify this Court's September 29,2020 order staying a portion ofthe District Court's decision pending appeal is DENIED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to file an overlength briefis DENIED as moot. The Clerk of this Court is directed to provide immediate notice of this Order to counsel for all parties. Dated this -6 day of October, 2020. Chief Justice