11-27-202B 111:14 PM FRX24 PUBLIC FRX SERVICE From: To: Page 2 11/27/2020 12:22 0370 PAGE 02 11/27/2020 oRrINAL IN THE MONTANA SUPREME COURT Case Number: DA 20-0454 1 11;:fiE) : STATE OF MONTANA NOV 2 7 2020 vs. DA-20-0454 Bovven Greenwood Clerk of Supreme Court Str-ate of Montana GEORGE CARLON couRrs GRANT OF: MOTION FOR 30-DAY EXTENSION OF TIME IN WHICH TO FILE APPELLANTS BRIEF At the request of Appellant Carlon, and no objection being raised by the State, the date on which Appellant's Initial Brief shall be due is continued to Monday, December 28, 2020. So ordered this 27'h clay of November, 2020.