08/06/2021 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA Case Number: PR 07-0011 PR 07-0011 IN THE MATTER OF CALLING A DISTRICT ORDER JUDGE TO ACTIVE SERVICE In October 2020, the Honorable Jarnes A. Manley, Judge of the District Court for the Twentieth Judicial District of the State of Montana, requested the assistance of retired District Judge Karen Townsend to assurne jurisdiction of Lake County Cause No. DV 20-109, Briney, et al. v. Presbyterian Church, et al. Judge Townsend was no longer able to preside over this matter, and the Honorable Amy Eddy agreed to assume jurisdiction. A substitution ofjudge has been filed, and the Honorable Elizabeth A. Best has agreed to assume jurisdiction. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The Honorable Elizabeth A. Best is hereby authorized to assist the Twentieth Judicial District ofthe State of Montana and shall assume judicial authority ofLake County Cause No. DV 20-109, Briney, et al. v. Presbyterian Church, et al. 2. Judge Best is hereby authorized to proceed with any and all necessary hearings, opinions, and orders, including final resolution of said rnatter. 3. A copy of this Order shall be filed with the Clerk of Court of Lake County, with the request that this Order be sent to all counsel ofrecord in County Cause No. DV 20-109, Briney, et al. v. Presbyterian Church, et al. A copy of this Order shall be provided to the Honorable James A. Manley, the Honorable Elizabeth A. Best, the Honorable Arny Eddy, and Beth McLaughlin, Suprerne Court Administrator. This Order is entered by the Chief Justice pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(3) of the 1972 Montana Constitution, and statutes enacted in conformity therewith and in implementation thereof. i f- -- DATED this'Ivo day of August, 2021. Chief Justice 2