I An unpublish d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA : AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Appellant, vs. ASHLEY NEYRINCK, AN INDIVIDUAL, I‘m—Rasflndent. I 3 AMERICAN NATIONAL PROPERTY ! AMERICAN NATIONAL PROPERTY ) AND CASUALTY COMPANY, l 3 Appellant, {- vs. : ASHLEY NEYRINCK, AN _ 5 INDIVIDUAL, E (—~————_-——.—.n Resggndent. ORDER DISMI SSIN G APPEALS Pursuant to the stipulation of ' the parties, and cause appearing, these consolidated appeals are dismissed. The parties shall bear their own costs and attorney fees. NRAP 4203). It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. LINDEMN cc: Hon. Kenneth C. Cory, District Judge Hutchison & Steffen, LLC Law Offices of Steven M. Burris, LLC Eighth District Court Clerk ESUPHEME COURT m: MEvAuA CLERK’S ORDER we war owz