An unpub|isheld order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SuPnEME COuRT OF NEvAoA CLERK’S ORDER (O)-l 947 m IN THE SUPREME C()URT ()F THE STATE ()F NEVADA JANT()NIO RAF l\/[UINA, No. 63288 Appellant, vs. RANCH H()USE ESTATES OWNERS' ASSOCIATION; ST. J()E CO.; 7516 JOCKEY AVE.; CITY ()F LAS VEGAS; JESSICA GIESEND()RF; STEVEN GRIERSON; FLOID MICHAEL LISTERS; MATT l\/HTCHELL; O. P()P()VICH; PETE RUMELLE; AND S SL()VIS PLATE NUMBER 50426, Respondents. FELED JUN 2 6 2013 TRAc) K. L»NDEMAN 5¥ ‘ DEPUTY CLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL ()n l\/lay 29, 2013, this matter was docketed without payment of the requisite filing fee. On that same day, this court issued a notice directing appellant to pay the filing fee within 10 days. The notice further advised that failure to pay the fee within 10 days would result in the dismissal of this matter. To date, appellant has not paid the filing fee or otherwise responded to this court’s notice. Accordingly, cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed. lt is so ()RDERED. CLERK oF THE SUPREME CoURT TRAciE K. LINDEMAN BY: cc: Hon. Joanna Kishner, District Judge J antonio Raf Muina Michael R. l\/lushkin & Associates, P.C. Eighth District Court Clerk /&45744