An unpublis Surname 013an OF NEVADA ,- order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA AYRICK TALBO: Appellant, vs. STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES, Respondent. g No. 67"?48 FELED JUL 27 2015 m: me e. meemw CLERKqu SUPREME. scum 5 NE: 5! z: E a? DEPU YGLERK ORDER DI SMIS SING APPEAL On June 15, 2015, this court entered an order denying Without prejudice appellant’e motion to proceed in forma pauperis. The order ‘ instructed appellant to first seek leave to proceed in forma pauperie in the district court. Further, the order cautiened appellant that failure in properly seek leave to proceed in forma pauperis in the district ceurt or to pay the filing fee within 30 days: would result in the dismissal if this appeal. To date, appellant has not paid the filing fee or etherwiee J communicated with this court. Accordingly, cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed. It is so ORDERED CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN BY: 5.93mi] Muslim; Hen. Sandra, L. Pomrenze, District J udge, Family Court Division Ayrick Tale Clark County District Attorney Eighth District Court Clerk FCC: {Edi—WI? __ a