An unpublis 5- order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA LAVONNE A. KOLENDER, No. 68217 Appellant, vs. DENNIS KOLENDER, fies ondent, HLE JUL 2 7 2015 TRACiE K. {.IND—M l CLERK as; sneeze? SSURT BY DEFUTV CLERK ORDER DI SMIS SING APPEAL This appeal was deeketed in this court on June 16, 2015, ‘ Witheut payment of the requieite filing fee. On that same day a notice was ' ieeuecl directing appellant ta pay the filing fee within ten days. The netice further advised that failure to pay the filing fee Within ten days would result in the-dismissal of this appeal; To date, appellant has not paid the filing fee or otherwise responded to this court’s notiee‘ Accordingly, cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed‘ It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME CGURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN BY: WE cc: Hon. Linda Marquis, District Judge, Family Court Division Lavonne A. Kolender Dale E. Haley Eighth District Court Clerk Supneme COUHT' 0F Havana CLERK’S GRDEB » new: l5” 229935“; EH