An unpublis order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SUPREME CDUHT es Harm in: 19475 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA DONALD FRANCIS FISHER, No, 67181 Appellant, vs. FlLED THE STATE OF NEVADA, . r , __~___ Reegondent. fl]LG 2015 u- ‘ AS“? H ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL I, f I am CLERK This is an appeal from a judgment of conviction. Third Judicial District Court, Lyon County; William Rogers, J edge. Appellant’s counsel has filed a notice of voluntary withclrawal of this appeal. Counsel advises thie court that he has informed appellant of the legal ceneequencee of veluntarily withdrawing this appeal, including that appellant cannot hereafter seek t0 reinstate this appeal, and that any issues that were or could have been brought in this appeal are forever waived. Having been so informed, appellant ceneente to a voluntary dismissal of this appeal. Cause appearing, we ORDER this ,1 DISMISSED. Parraguirre 2/4,. Deuéiééwma "l . _.i(/fiw J. Cherry ~ ea: Hon. William Rogers, District Judge Anne W. Leughlin Attorney General/Carson City Lynn County District Attorney Third District Ceurt Clerk Donald Francis Fisher