An unpublis ed order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 Suva:sz COURT m: Nevsm 1:0) 19:79. «11%? IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA PERCY LAVAE BACON, No. 68159 Petitioner, VS. THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT F i L E D COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADAfl IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JUI- 3 1 2015 CLARK, TRACE x. Lmrzamm CLERK F QUFREME COURT Reegendent. 3x, 7 5M2} DEPIUTT CLERK ORDER DENYING PETITION This is a pm 3:“: petition for a writ of mandamus. Petitioner seeks an order directing the district court to hold a limited evidentiaiy hearing on whether petitioner was adequately canvassed te determine whether he Wished t0 continue to represent himself after the jury“ verdict was rendered. Without cieciding iian the merits of any claims raised in the documents submitted in this matter, we decline t0 exercise eur original jurisdiction. See NBS 34.160; NBS 34.170. Accordingly, we ORDER the petition DENIED. Rum ,J. Pickering Hen. David B. Earlier, District J udge Percy Levee Bacon Atterney General/Carson City Eighth District Ceurt Clerk 2,»? if” 7] , I, I} C” i» ,J. Gibbons 192207!