An unpublis ‘- order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SUPREME Cuum' or NEVADA {m mm «laws IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA MARILYN P. SQUIRES, No. 66120 Appellant, vs. CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, F E L E D _______m_w,miiiim_ui_;Eeeeeedent- VWHJ JUL 17 205 TRACE K. LINDFMAN CLERE‘C {21F SUPREME COURT ORDER M This; is a certified question pursuant to NRAP 5 from the DEPUTY CLERK United States Bankruptcy Court, District 0f Nevada. Pursuant to the stipulation 0f the parties, and cause appearing, the certificatien is Withdrawn, and this matter is dismissed. It is so ORDERED. [Liaagggégg ,CJ. cc: Reno Law Group, LLC Ace C. Van. Patten Eddie R. J imenez Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court,iDietrict 0f Nevada _ ~2l707 v 'vfl‘rm