An unpublis d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. 3UPREME COURT DF Mama {a} mu close this matter. I [ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA ! ' IN THE MATTER OF THE HONORABLE MICHELLE LEAVITT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, DEPT. 12, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE No. 67987 L 3 JUL 15 2015 OF NEVADA. g. m *‘Efi’rL-lf’iw“ . M mil r.» ‘ CHEF [Ezra ; {ILER ORDER ADMNISTRA TIVEL Y CLGSING CASE ll This; matter was docketed in this court‘on May I3, 2015! with the filing of a certified copy of the Stipulation and Order for Public Reprimand. See Procedural Rules of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline (“PRJDC”), Rule 28(2) (upon the filing ofaduption and filing‘of a decision, the commission must file a certified copy of the decision with the clerk of the supreme court). Respondent did not subsequently file a notice See PRJDC 34(2); NRAP 3D(d). Accordingly, the clerk of this court is directed to administratively of . appeal with the clerk of the commission. It is so ORDERED. 1 mej C cc: Nevada Commiseiun on Judicial Discipline Law Offices of Kermitt L. Waters