16-20452: This document is currently unavailable. If you need a copy of this document, please contact Clerk's Office at (775)684-1600.
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Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
09/11/2014 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due. | | |
09/11/2014 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Proper Person Pilot Program. Filed certified copy of proper person notice of appeal. | | 14-30209
09/11/2014 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. No action will be taken on this matter until filing fee is paid. Due Date: 10 days. | | 14-30212
09/17/2014 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Western Union MO. # 17-066749848. | | |
09/18/2014 | Case Status Update | Pilot Program Civil Appeals. Order and documents mailed to proper person appellant. Civil proper person transcript request form due: 15 days. Civil proper person appeal statement due: 40 days. | | |
09/18/2014 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Confidential Civil CoverSheet. | | |
10/02/2014 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal/Amended/Supplemental. (Proper Person/ Appellant). | | 14-32782
10/17/2014 | Transcript Request | Filed Civil Proper Person Transcript Request Form. | | 14-34633
11/04/2014 | Brief | Filed Civil Proper Person Appeal Statement with attached exhibits. | | 14-36449
11/14/2014 | Motion | Filed Proper Person Motion. Ex Parte Motion for Leave for Waiver of Transcript Costs. | | 14-37718
12/08/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Service. Appellant's Certificate of Service of the Amended NOA and Motion for Waiver of Transcript Costs due: 15 days. | | 14-39822
12/16/2014 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. (Notice of Appeal and Request for Authorization to Proceed in Proper Person; Waiver of Appeal Bond; and to Transmit Entire Record on File) | | 14-40931
02/13/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Transmit Record. Record on appeal due: 15 days. | | 15-04934
02/19/2015 | Record on Appeal Documents | Filed Record on Appeal - Volumes 1-5 (via FTP) | | 15-05382
02/19/2015 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
02/24/2015 | Record on Appeal Documents | Filed Record on Appeal page 80 (SEALED). | | |
03/06/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Regarding Pro Bono Counsel. We direct the clerk of this court to transmit a copy of this order and the attached case summary to the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for financial eligibility screening. Once an attorney is located, the attorney shall file a notice of appearance in this court within 60 days from the date of this order. Supplemental briefing and oral argument will be scheduled thereafter. Alternatively, if appellant is not financially eligible or objects to pro bono representation, or if a volunteer attorney cannot be located, the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada shall notify this court in writing within 60 days from the date of this order. In such case, oral argument will not be held, and this matter will stand submitted for decision on the appeal statement and record currently before the court. fn1[We defer ruling on appellant's motions pending the evaluation for and possible appointment of pro bono counsel.] | | 15-07013
04/07/2015 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance of Pro Bono Counsel (Tami Cowden as counsel for the Appellant). | | 15-10485
04/08/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Removing Appeal from Pilot Program, Directing Compliance with NRAP 9, and Setting Briefing Schedule. This appeal no longer stands submitted for decision. Transcript Request Form due: 14 days. Opening Brief and Appendix due: 90 days. Appellant shall state on the cover page of the opening brief whether it is a replacement brief or a supplement to appellant's previously filed pro se appeal statement. Although this matter will be scheduled for oral argument upon completion of briefing, counsel may notify this court in writing if counsel believes that oral argument is undesirable or unnecessary. | | 15-10616
04/28/2015 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Statement of Legal Aid Representation (Pursuant to NRS 12.015) for Appellant Wesley Allen Lewis. | | 15-12893
04/29/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Leave to File Request for Transcript of Proceedings Outside the Deadline. | | 15-13052
05/05/2015 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Court Reporter's Notice of Non Payment for Appeal Transcripts. | | 15-13714
05/06/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. The clerk of this court shall reject the transcript request form received on April 29, 2015, unfiled. Transcript Request Form due: 11 days. Appellant's counsel must follow NRS 12.015(3) for obtaining the necessary transcripts at county expense. | | 15-13828
05/14/2015 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 08/09/13, 08/29/13, 10/08/13, 05/01/14, 07/29/14, 08/05/14. To Court Reporter: No Court Reporter listed. | | 15-14858
06/16/2015 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Shelly Ajoub stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 08/29/13, 10/08/13, 05/01/14, 07/29/14, and 08/05/14. | | 15-18312
07/07/2015 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Opening Brief and Appendix due: July 14, 2015. | | 15-20520
07/14/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Extension of Time to File Opening Brief. | | 15-21259
07/16/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. Opening Brief and Appendix due: August 6, 2015. | | 15-21504
08/06/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Extension of Time to File Opening Brief. | | 15-23705
08/14/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. Opening Brief and Appendix due: September 4, 2015. | | 15-24611
09/04/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Extension of Time to File Opening Brief. | | 15-26952
09/10/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. The clerk of this court shall file the opening brief and appendix received on September 9, 2015. Answering Brief due: 30 days. | | 15-27425
09/10/2015 | Brief | Filed Replacement Opening Brief of Appellant. | | 15-27431
09/10/2015 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Supplemental Appendix - Volume I. | | 15-27432
09/10/2015 | Appendix | Filed Appellant's Supplemental Appendix - Volume II. | | 15-27433
10/09/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Extension of Time to File Answering Brief. | | 15-30759
10/09/2015 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice - Motion Approved. Answering Brief due: November 12, 2015. | | 15-30769
11/03/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion for Clarification and Extension of Time. | | 15-33524
11/05/2015 | Motion | Filed Motion Supplement to Motion for Clarification and Extension of Time | | 15-33735
11/05/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Counsel for respondent seeks clarification based on her assertion that appellant's opening brief cites to volume I and II of an appendix but no such volumes have been served on respondent or appear to have been filed in this court. The citations to volumes I-IV of the appendix appear to correlate to volumes I-IV of the record on appeal filed in this court on February 19, 2015. The citation to volume I-II of the supplemental appendix appear to correlate to the supplemental appendix filed in this court on September 10, 2015. Both the record on appeal and the supplemental appendix are available to counsel via this court's docket. Given the confusion with regard to the citations, the motion for an extension of time is granted. Answering Brief due: 11 days. | | 15-33813
11/16/2015 | Brief | Filed Respondent's Answering Brief. | | 15-34988
12/02/2015 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Reply Brief due: December 9, 2015. | | 15-36717
12/10/2015 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. | | 15-37659
12/10/2015 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. | | |
02/29/2016 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Re: Scheduling of Oral Argument. This matter will be scheduled for oral argument on the next available calendar. | | 16-06316
03/11/2016 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Argument is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at 10:00 am for 30 minutes in Las Vegas. | | 16-07822
03/30/2016 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. | | 16-09904
04/12/2016 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Errata to Replacement Opening Brief of Appellant. | | 16-11384
04/13/2016 | Case Status Update | Oral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision. Before the Southern Nevada Panel. SNP16-JH/NS/KP. | | |
06/30/2016 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded." Before: Hardesty/Saitta/Pickering. Author: Saitta, J. Majority: Saitta/Hardesty/Pickering. 132 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 46. SNP16-JH/NS/KP | | 16-20452
07/25/2016 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 16-22980
07/25/2016 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |