An unpublis ed order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 SUPREME Guam IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA JASON ARTHURALTHEIDE, NO. 68126 Petitioner, r "8- , F L E D THE STATE OF NEVADA, Respondent. JUL 2 1 205 TRACE K. UNDEMN‘J GLER 0F SUF’REME CQURT BY ORDER DENYING PE? THEN DEPUTY CLER "' This is a pro ee petition for a writ of babe-as corpus. Petitioner challenges his current confinement in the Pahrump Detention Center. We have reviewed the documents submitted in this matter, and without- deciding upon the merits: of any claims raised therein, we decline to NRAP 22. Petitioner is represented by counsel in the proceedings in the district eeurt and eheuld exercise original jurisdiction in this matter. pmeeed by and through his counsel. Accordingly, we ORDER the petition DENIED. Gibbeee cc; Jason Arthur Altheide Jason Earnest, Esq. Attorney Generah’ Carson City Nye Ceunty District Attorney Nye County Clerk l5 1205‘]