An unpublis d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA ERICK MARQUIS BROW’N, N0. 88072 Appellant, VS. ' 1‘ THE STATE OF NEVADA, E: E: 3 Respondent Jill. till 2315 This appeal was initiated by the filing of a pro se appeal. Eighth Judicial District Cmn’t, Clark County; Kathleen E. Delaney, J udge. On May 21, 2015, appellant filed a notice of appeal. Ne appealable order was denignated in the notice of appeal“ Because ORDER this appeal DISMISSED. | __ J ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL ‘ appellant failed tn designate an appealable nrder, we Pickering cc: Hon. Kathleen El Delaney, District Judge Erick Marquis Brawn Attorney GeneraliCarson City Clark County District Attorney Eighth District Court Clerk SMEHE COURT OF NEVADA mwwmfin ‘r