An unpublis ed order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA MARY GIBBS-BOLENDER, NCL 67454 Appellant, vs. GAG ACCEPTANCE, LLC, F a L E D ____,,_,__ Respondent. JUL 0 2 N15 TRACE K. UNDEMAN CLERK OFEUPREME “SOUR-r ORDER BY UEi’UTY CLERK This is a certified question pursuant to N RAP 5 fmm the United States District Court, District of Nevada. Pursuant to . the stipulation 0f the parties, and cause: appearing, the certificatimn is Withdrawn and this matter :13 dismissed. It is so ORDERED. ham cc: Kemp, Jones 8: Coulthard, LLP Legal Aid Center at” Southern Nevada, Inc. ArmetmngTeasdale, LIP/Lag Vegas 5 Burch 82: Cracchialu PA Clerk, United States District Court, Lag Vegas 5mm: CWR‘F as Ham a); mu «we 35‘202