An unpublisl‘i d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN THEVMATTER OF THE ADOPTION No. 65875 0F MINOR CHILDREN BY FAIRFIEELD. TEEEI CHRISTIAN EiiRFIELE: m1) F E E JOEL KINGMAN FAIRFIELD, - A Rants, VS. We ‘ um s a 2314 THE STATE OF NEVADA HEALTH mm K. umamm iAND HUMANSERVICEE, DIVISION BiLERKQi WEMEQW l OF CHILD AND Emma?“ SERVICES, , DEW CLERK . M Resgoiident‘ : ORDER DISfl/[ISSLNG AFPEAL Pursuant; to the Stipulation of the parties, and cause } l l appearing, this appeal is dismissed. The parties shall bear their own costs and attorney fees. NRAP 420:1). It. is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME CGURT TRACIE K. LINDEMEN l l BE .ME cci Chief Judge, The Tenth Judicial District Hon. Scutt Jordan, Senior Judge George M. Kaela Law Office of Karen L. Winterg SUPREME COURT Attnrney GeneraUREHO ’3" Churchill County Clerk NEVJXDA DLERK’S ORfiER my 1947