An unpublis ‘- order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SUPREME Cove-r or New-m (03 mm, 9%; IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA MICHAEL CHARLES MITCHELL AXE/A No. 64845 MICHAEL MITCHELL DIE/A OMNIBUILT, Appellant, F E L E D VS. HD SUPPLY FACILITIES OCT l 5 20“ MAIN’I‘ENAI‘JCE.a LTD, Res ondent. TRAClE PC. LINDEMAN CLERK OF SUPREME COURT BY HEPUTY CLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL On August 7, 2014, this court gave proper person appellant 40 days to file and serve his civil proper person appeal statement. Appellant’s civil appeal statement was due in this court by September 16, 2014. To date, appellant has failed to file his civil proper person appeal statement or otherwise respond to this court’s directive. Accordingly, we conclude that appellant has abandoned this appeal, and we ORDER this appeal DISMISSED. XAMQ ,J. K Hardesty M, J. J. Douglas cc: Hon. Mark R. Denton, Dietrict Judge Michael Charles Mitchell Dubowsky Law Office, Chtcl. Eighth District I Court Clerk tel-Ban;