An unpublis E d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA JEAN TIMBOL, DIBJA A & J CARE No. 64371 HOME, Appellant, FELEfi I SHANNON SOWERS; AND SUSAN SOWERS: _ 1 Res ancients. OCT 1 5 20“ l TRACJE K7 LINDEMAM CLERK F SUFREME CQURT 5‘1" DEPUTY CLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL Pursuant to the stipulation 0f the parties, and cause : appearing, this appeal is dismissed. The parties shall bear their awn costs and attorney fees. NRAP 4203). " It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. UNDER/MN BY: )8 5% cc: Hon. Mark R. Danton, District Judge Black 8; LoBello Law Office of 8. Don Bennion Law Offices of Michael Fl Balm, Ltd. Eighth Diatrict Court Clerk Surname CUURT m: NE‘UMDA CLERK’S ORDER “"3”? m“ 7 Wat-137m