An unpub|is|’led order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. lN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS DEVELOPMENT GR.OUP, No. 66386 LLC, A NEVADA LIM,ITED LlABlLlTY COMPANY, ‘3;’."€“*``“"’ FLE BRETT W. FADDIS, AN lNDlVlDUAL; AND BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, UCT l ll Z[ll‘l LLC, A DELAWARE Lll\/llTED TR,,\@,E K_ ,_,NDEMA,_. CLERK OF SUPREME CUURT R@Spondents_ B¥ oE-Pur~r stem ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL ln accordance with the parties’ stipulation, this appeal is hereby dismissed The parties shall bear their own costs and attorney fees. NRAP 42(b). ln light of this order, we vacate the temporary injunction imposed by our August 29, 2014, order.l lt is so OR.DERED. cc: Hon. Jerry A. Wiese, District Judge Roger P. Croteau & Associates, Ltd. Greenberg 'l``raurig, LLP/Las Vegas Eighth District Court Clerk lln the stipulation to dismiss this appeal, appellant agreed to withdraw its motion for an injunction. Thus, given the stipulation and the dismissal of this appeal, no further action need be taken on the motion for an injunction. Sur>aeME Cousr oF NEVADA ¢o) 194'~\