An unpub|isllled order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA KENT THOMAS GARNER, N0. 61968 Appellant, vs. NORMA ANGELICA GARNER, _ Respondent. FH L E D MAY 2 3 2014 TRAC|E K_ LINDEMAN CLERK OF SUPREME COURT BY ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL Appellant"s May 9, 2014, notice-of withdrawal of appeal, which DEPUTY CLERK we construe as a motion to voluntarily dismiss this appeal, is granted. Accordingly, this appeal is hereby dismissed, with the parties to bear their own costs and t``ees. NRAP 42(b``). lt is so ORDER-ED. , C.J. cc: Hon. Charles J. Hoskin, District Judge, Family Court Division The Law Ofiice of Anthony D. Brooks Norma Angelica Garner Eighth District C0urt Clerk SuPnEME Coum' oF NEvAoA <011947.-\ w.@p l