_ guy-1947 ch An unpub|ishuzd order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA DAVID J. MITCHELL, AN No. 64695 INDIVIDUAL, Appellant, _ F E L w VS. HEARTLAND BANK, A MISSoURI OCT 0 s 2014 BANK_[NG CORPORATION DOING TRAC‘E K_ |_|NDEMAN BUSINESS IN NEVADA, CLERK F sur»aeme count Respondent. Bv oe'+> tv cLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPE'AL On September 22, 2014, appellant filed a document entitled, “Notice of Withdraw of Appeal," which we construe as a motion to voluntarily dismiss this appeal. The motion is granted, with the parties to bear their own fees and costs, NRAP 42(b), and we ORDER this appeal DISMISSED. CLERK oF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. LINI)EMAN BY? cc: Hon. Kathleen E. Delaney, District Judge Stephen E. Haberfeld, Settlement Judge Poli & Ball, P.L.C. Gordon Silver Eighth District Court Clerk SuPnEMe Coum oF NEvn.oA CLERK’S ORDER F"l"SBOK¢O