An unpub|ishjud order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SuPREME Coum' OF NEvAoA CLERK’S ORDER (O)~l947 @@ lN THE SUPREME C()URT OF THE STATE NEVADA SHAWN FARRELL, AN INDIVIDUAL, Appellant, vs. SERVICE MASTERS LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE, INC. D/B/A BILMAR LANDSCAPE INDUSTRIES, A NEVADA C()RPORATI()N, Respondents. ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL ()n August 27, 2013, appellant filed this appeal in this*court without payment of the requisite filing fee.l ()n September 114 2013, appellant filed a motion to dismiss this appeal. Accordingly, cause appearing, appellant’s motion is granted and this appeal is hereby _ dismissed. lt is so ORDERED. CLERK oF THE SUPREME CoURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN BY: cc: Hon.. Stefany l\/,[iley, District Judge Dennie LaW ()ffices Stephenson & Dickinson Eighth District Court Clerk 1 Appellant’s failure to pay the Supreme Court filing fee couldn constitute an independent basis on which to dismiss this appeal. ' No. 638133 ``.»..- . y " f:. »; . _,~ 1:*¢'1'¢$‘ ,``**`` " SEP 1 @2013 ¥ lZ~Z'ZZS/s