USDC SDNY UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DOCUMENT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ELECTRONICALLY FILED SANDRA RODRIGUEZ, DOC # DATE FILED: 8/24/2021 Plaintiff, -against- 19 Civ. 4925 (AT) (SN) Andrew M. Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, ORDER Defendant. ANALISA TORRES, District Judge: On August 13, 2021, Plaintiff moved for reconsideration of the Court’s order of May 15, 2020. ECF No. 42. The same motion was docketed again on August 17, 2021. ECF No. 43. The motion is DENIED as untimely. See Local Rule 6.3 (requiring motions for reconsideration to be served within fourteen days of the Court’s original determination). Even if it were timely, Plaintiff's arguments are meritless and fail to meet the high bar required to prevail on a motion for reconsideration. Mallet v. Miller, 438 F. Supp. 2d 276, 277 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). The Clerk of Court is directed to mail a copy of this order to Plaintiff pro se. SO ORDERED. Dated: August 24, 2021 New York, New York ANALISA TORRES United States District Judge