THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ALI MOHAMAD MOUSSAOUI, Plaintiff, Case No.: 22 Misc. 178 (JPC) -against- ORDER TO FILE CASE UNDER SEAL BANK OF BEIRUT AND THE ARAB COUNTRIES a/k/a BBAC BANK S.A.L., ASSAF HOLDING COMPANY SAL, Defendants. The Court having reviewed the application and having found sufficient cause under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2(d) to order this case to be filed under seal, it is hereby ORDERED this case may be filed under seal. The parties are directed to proceed in accordance with the mstructions for filing under seal found in the court’s ECF Rules & Instructions, Rule 6.14, and present the case initiating documents to the Clerk of Court in the traditional manner, in paper form. The Clerk is directed to restrict access to this order to the selected party viewing level, until further Order of the Court. SO ORDERED: United States District Judge New York, NY July 14, 2022