= VN NS or □□ STILLMAN LEGAL, P.C soosccauinmnnm wow FightForUrRights.com ——__—_ 42 BROADWAY, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10004 November 14, 2022 APPLICATION GRANTED VIA ECF SO ORNDEMED Honorable John G. Koeltl CoN Iogef) United States District Court / xy a Lol __ Southern District of New York } / M4 / John G. Koel, US BAL 40 Foley Square iO 2 New York, New York 10007 ‘ Re: Correa vy. Gold Bull Vend, LLC et al 21-cv-07781-JGK Dear Judge Koeltl: This office represents Plaintiff Sandra Correa in the above-referenced matter. I write, jointly with counsel for Defendants, to respectfully request an extension of time to file a motion for settlement approval, from the current deadline of November 14, 2022 to_December 5, 2022. This is the parties' third request for an extension to file a motion for settlement approval pursuant to Cheeks v. Pancake House, Inc., 796 F.3d 199 (2015), All previous requests were approved by Your Honor. Counsei for the parties have finalized a majority of the terms of the settlement agreement, but Plaintiff has been unavailable and has not reviewed the terms of the settlement agreement that remain the subject of negotiation. Accordingly, this extension is necessary for the parties to finalize the settlement agreement and execute same. We thank the Court for its time and consideration of this matter. Respectfully submitted, Lina Stillman, Esq. cc: All Counsel of Record (via ECF) [42 BRoapway, 12" FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10004 1800-933-5620 fa 5 te ame wen □□ STILLMAN LEGAL, P.C ee wre Fighiforlrights.com -———— 42 BROADWAY, 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10004 |42 Broapway, 12™ FLOOR NEW YORIS NY 10004 1800-933-5620