lN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANlA WESTERN D|STR|CT |N RE: PET|T|ON OF THE TAX CLA||\/| : No_ 149 WAL 2014 BUREAU OF WEST|\/|ORELAND ' COUNTY, PENNSYLVAN|A, TO SELL _ FREE AND CLEAR THE PROPERTY OF: : Petition for A||owahce of Appea| from the : Order of the Commonwea|th Court ESTATE OF ANNA S. ROWLEY, HER HE|RS AND ASS|GNS: BE|NG l\/|AP NO. 26-02-09-0-418 PET|T|ON OF: CARL F. |\/||LLER ORDER PER CUR|AM AND NOW, this 19th day of August, 2014, the Petition for A||owahce of Appea| is DEN|ED.