DocketNumber: WR-41,864-02
Filed Date: 11/5/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
MA/céo /€,LWW W)¢%'L fc``d/ y/M ' ‘ AVY//Mééf/[ /C) j , //~M juw;/M/L %%K/ij couRTF;EFZ§L:/§ELLN;PEALS __ ga ;``m?%,_ {ZZ%¢ ' Nov§ 2015\ li//z&%: EM/ [W§' ' 5 620/y /V/A~(/ %/\ /HJ Abe!Acosta,Cleyk y 7 7?7//~/7% 4 1 6 74 / _,, /IMz%/:é ;¢£%M%W;/{W/j w w/ /d /€///fq /"/¢ {(}y,¢//' @M% //c) /%M iz¢'¢ Z;Z/VZ ., _ ‘ - , f {0)(/,€/ z/,€ _ , 1 / //¢:/wwf/ .Z»/ éA//m// 0 ///!%M!MM /{/%/%WJ /¢ /¢/¢¢% m yi¢7 g %5:,6/ J/%32 Tex. 492 ; 495 (1870)." 0nce her affidavit is stricken from the record she is in contempt of court order for failure to submit required affidavit. without waiving the aforementioned reasons to hold Hennessy in contempt Applicant additionally will point the reasons Hennessy's affidavit did not comply with the relevant specific court order. Therefore, it‘s not in compliance witLthe court's order. Applicant will point out that- Hennessy's affidavit is fraud based upon material omissions. Hennessy only disclosed part of the facts and failure to disclose all the facts has left a false impression on this Honorable Court. It is well settled law that Attorney Hennessy owes her primary loyalty to the court before which she practices. See , Malautea v. §u;uki Motor Co. LTD, 987 F.2d 1536,1546 (11th Cir. 1993)("All attorneys as ‘officers of the court owes duties of complete candor and primary loyalty to the court before which they practice. An attorney's duty to a client can never outweigh his or her responsibility to see that our system of justice functions smoothly. This concept is as old as common law jurisprudence itself."). See also Union Pacific Resources Group v. Phone Poulence,247 F.3d 574, 586 (5th Cir 2001): " party voluntarily discloses some but less than all material facts, so that he must disclose the whole truth. i.e. all material facts lest his partial disclosure convey a false impression...we conclude that .RPI assumed the affirmative duty to make full disclosure when it volunteered some (but no all) material information about the transaction. It thereby obligated itself to speak the whole truth' it could not remain silent after nmrely making partial disclosures that conveyed a false impression." Hennessy on the first page of her affidavit states: "On June 1, 2014, Applicant filed a post-conviction writ of habeas corpus alleging several grounds for relief, including several grounds alleging my performance as the appellate attorney was deficient. "In preparing this affidavit, I have reviewed the following; the application, my file and the reporter's.record for this case." The trial court's order specifically required her to address: 1. Failed to file affidavit in support of motion for new trial. 2. Failed to bring forth issues specifically requested by Applicant as grounds for motion for new trial: that trial counsel was ineffective for not allowing Applicant view videos pretrial and that the leather jacket would not fit Applicant." Hennessy never stated why she did not file an affidavit with the motion for new trial as ORDERED BY THE COURTJ Therefore, Hennessy is in contempt of court for her obvious failure to obey the reasonable specific orders of the court. Additionally when Hennessy review her file she had a copy of Ex, Bl~4 which I personally nmiled her to be copied and keep one for herself before she filed the motion for new trial. Counsel was well aware before she filed the motion for new trail of the damaging nature of the video. Furthermore, she was aware that Applicant repeatedly requested E. Gray to allow him to review the video see Ex 83 which is a copy of the letter Applicant sent to Gray on 8-12-12 which stated in relevant part: "when can I view the video?" Ex. B4 dated 9-16-12_"when can I view the video?" Counsel was also aware of the state's plea of 5 years right up till the jury was sworn in. Hennessy was well aware of the highly inculpatory nature of the video and the persuasiveness it could have had on Applicant's decisin to accept the State plea offer if applicant been allowed to review it pretrial. This fact coupled with Hennessy's personally attestting to the fact in her affidavit to her high degree of professionalsim and top notch skills as a appellate attorneyl Therefore, she was well aware of the holdings in Johnson v. State,172 S.W.3d 6, 19 (Tex.App.-Austin, 2005) (“If prior, to trial appellant has listened to the audiotape her overall strategy might have been substantially different,. For example, she might have considered a plea."). It's obvious Hennessy is not being totally forthcoming and vhonest with all the»‘ relevant requested facts in her affidavit. As such her _affidavit is conveying a~ false and misleading impressing upon the true factual allegation the Honorable Judge Kyle Hawthorn is seeking to resolve. Therefore, Hennessy's affidavit is not in compliance with the court's order. 4 `` HHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant request that an immediate order be issued for a warrant for the arrest of Earl Gray and Mary Hennessy and they each be place in the county jail until they fully comply with the reasonable specific order of this Honorable Court, and grant Applicant any further or additional relief he is justly entitled to, it is so prayed. Q:; fully submitted, Dave D."dreer #1829754 Wayne Scott Unit Retrieve Rd. Angleton, Texas 77515 CERTIFICATE 0F SERVICE I, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this document has been sent to all parties in this cause by addressing a copy to: Attorney, Earl Gray, 103 North Main, Bryan, Texas 77803, Mary Hennessy P.0. Box 2536, Breham, Texas 77834, District Attorney, Mr. Jarvis Parsons, 300 E. 26th Street, Suite 310, Bryan, Texas 77803; The Brazos District Clerk, Marc Hamlin, 300 E. 26th St., Suite 1200, Bryan, Texas 77803, the District Clerk of the Court of Crimina] Appeals; Abel Acosta, Supreme Court Bldg, 201 w. 14th St. Rm 106, Austin, Texas 78701-1445 by placing a copy of the same in the U.S. Mail postage prepaid on this 231 day of N§V’C[v_\gg@ , 2015. §N® v Dave D. Greer CAUSE NO. 12-03324-CRF-272-A EX PARTE § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF § '272nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT DAVID D. GREER § BRAZOS COUNTY; TEXAS ORDER SETTING A HEARING DATE A hearing is $et for: APPLICANT'S MOTION TO ENFORCE THE COURT'S ORDER TO HOLD EARL GRAY AND MARY HENNESSY IN CONTEMPT OF COURT FOR THEIR REFUSAL AND FAILURE‘TO OBEY THE ``HONORABLE KYLE HAWTHORN'S COURT ORDER. A hearing is Set in this court for this motion for 0'clock , M/PM on the day of , 2015. SIGNED on this the day of , 2015. JUDGE PRESIDING - QU\/o --_.___M w wine zms. ._‘m Cau'se No. 12-03324'-CRF-272~A EX PARTE ' § lN THE DISTRICT count or § BRAzos coUN'rY, TEXAs DAVID GREER § 272nd JUDICIAL nrsrnlcr Pursuant to Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. l l.07, §3(d), the Court is of the opinion that controverted, previously unresolved factual issues material to the legality of Applicant’s confinement exist. Therefore, the Court designates the following issues of fact to be resolved: - In Ground Ten of the application, Applicant has alleged that trial counsel was a friend/co-worker of all state’s witnesses and was operating under a conflict of interest \ In Ground 'l``welve of the application, Applicant has alleged that trial counsel ___'__was__op,eratingamder.a,contlictn£interestwhere.he__.i..v_oluntarily__helpe1 or did “n‘de alongs” with the Brazos County Sherist Dept. on raids Where all suspects are considered armed and dangerous, and he would have had to prove that liis friends/co- workers did not follow procedure In Ground Thirteen of the application, Applicant has alleged the following ~ claims of ineffective assistance of trial counsel; that trial counsel: l. had a conflict of interest 2. failed to properly present the motion to suppress or urge for a rehearing 3. failed to object where the State allegedly failed to produce video 20 days before trial 4. agreed to allow State to admit redacted version of inculpatory video and signed a stipulation allowing the State to do So without Appl'icant’s knowledge 5. did not object where the State failed to produce Deputy Ficke or CI for cross- examination . . 6. failed to object to hearsay statements and request ruling 7. failed to object to back door hearsay statements and request ruling. 8. failed to allow Applicant to review video so that Applicant could make an informed choice of whether to accept the State’s offer or go to trial. 9. failed to object to admission of gun video or jacket without establishing proper chain of custody. ~lO.‘failed to object when State stated that the Applicant was only in jail for the offense he is now convicted of. l l.failed to object when Applicant was not present at trial when jury sent out note and the judge sent back a reply. lZ.failed to object when State presented false evidence (4 _RR 87, l. '7-9_). . l3.failed to object when the State introduced the incomplete inventory list. l4.assisted the State in denying Applicant’s right to cross-examine Dé:puty Ficke (4 ' RR 90, l. 7~9). l$.failed to object when State merged several videos into one and admitted the altered video without objecting to authentication (4 RR 151, l,. 6-7; 4 RR 144, l. lO-12;4 RR166,1. 19-20). 16.failed to allow the only defense witness to review the video before testifying because counsel said that would be witness tampering l7.failed to object when the State misstated the law. lS.failed to object when State made improper jury arguments l9.f.ailed to request that the trial court make findings of fact and conclusions of law after motion to suppress was denied ZO.failed to object when the jury was allowed to take video and player into jury room during deliberations 2 l .failed to object to State’s use of video of custodial interrogation 22. failed to pursue excupatory evidence, dispatch logs ofSheriff’ s Dept and Bryan Police Departmen.t', for February 16, 2012 at approximately l am thru 4 pm. In Ground Fourteen of the application, Applicant has alleged a Sixth Amendm.ent violation as to the following claims of ineffective assistance of appellate counsel; that’appellate counsel: l. failed to tile affidavit in support of motion for new trial. _.”....2 ._failed..tobringforth.issues;specifically;requested“wW_ f . . . . motion for new trial: that trial counsel was ineffective for ;not allowing Applicant view videos pretrial and that the leather jacket would not fit Applicant In Ground Fifteen of the application, Applicant has alleged a Fourteenth Amendrnent violation as to the same claims alleged iny Ground Fourteeii. flfn Ground Sixteen of the application, Applicant has alleged ihe following claims of ineffective assistance of trial counsel; that trial counsel: I_. failed to obtain ruling on motion to suppress 2. failed to obtain findings of fact and conclusions of iaw on motion to suppress . 3. failed to argue the identification of Applicant by the CI. 4. failed to argue the identification of the CI. 5. failed to argue the inventory search as being incomplete and .imjiroper. The Court finds that “[a]n ineffective assistance of counsel claim waives the attorney-client privilege Model Ru'les of Prof’s Conduct R. l. .6(b) (5); see also Unired States v. Ba[lard, 779_ F.2d 287, 292 (5th Cir. 1986).” Ex parte Cooper, nos. WR- 69098-01, WR-69098-02, 2008 W``L 241464, * l , fn. l. (Tex. Crim. App. Jan. 30, 2008). To assist the Court iii resolving these factual i.ssues, Earl Gray (trial counsel) and Mary Hennessy (appellate counsel) are ORDERED to file affidavits responding to the,contained in..the.application; said affidavit must be filed with the District Clerk of Brazos County, Texas within ninety (90) days of the signing of this Order. The District Clerk is also ORDERED to send a copy of this Order to the following: l0 Earl Gray, 103 North Main, Bryan, Texas 77803, Mary Hennessy, P O. Box 2536, Brenharn, Texas 77 834 _ David Greer #03322636, Scott Unit 6999 Retrieve, Angleton TX 77515. Brazos County District Attorney’ s Office \ :‘>$"’.NT" The Court hereby ORDERS the District Clerk of Brazos Count;y to withhold preparing and transmitting the Record to the Court of Crim,inal Appeals until further Order of this Court. / L/) siGNEii)the §§ day of \)‘~/ n ,2015. /"__"' Pr iang Juagé’ ll