DocketNumber: WR-20,644-07
Filed Date: 2/2/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/28/2016
3 C>, lv‘/‘/ ~O$I~O¢ ;~6>7; RECEWED lN COURT OF CRIM|NAL APPEALS FEB 02 2015 wR No. 20,644_ Abel Acosta,Olerk Ex parte v | n The Texas Court Pau| Larson . Crimina| Appea|s Cause Nos. 449008-€, 449008-D, 465007-€, & 465007-'D Austin, Texas WR 20,644-04, WR 20,644-05, WR 20,644-06, WR 20,644-07, & WR 20644-08 'BlLL OF REV|EW COl\/|ES NOW, Pau| Larson, Petitioner (hereafter Larson), bringing before this Honorable Court Larson's Bi|l Of Review; and, in support thereof, will show: JUR|SD|CT|ON A Bi|l of Review is a: ”[p]roceeding in equity brought for purpose of reversing or correcting prior judgment of court after judgment has become final. Rogers v. $ear/e, Tex'.Civ.App., 533 S.W.Zd 433, 437. lt is in the nature of a writ of error. A ”bil| of review," or a bill in the nature of a bill of review, are of three classes; those for error appearing on the face of the record, those for newly discovered evidence, and those ”for fraud impeaching the original transaction. Such' bills are peculiar to courts of equity." B|ack's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 151. Larson brings this Action based on ”error appearing on the face of the record" and/or ”for fraud impeaching the original transaction." |f the entire record of Cause Numbers 449008- C, 449008-D , 465007-C, and 465007-D had been brought before this Honorable Court {due to the restraints on Larson's abilities to copy and/or purchase copies of the District Clerk's files, Larson has no knowledge of what records»were forwarded to this Honorable Court), then the fact a subsequent Court Order filed with this Honorable Court from the 263rd District Court, after Larson filed for l\/|andamus Action, neither referred to nor negated an earlier Order in these Causes which stipulated that there were unresolved issues which were to be decided by the Court, requiring further Findings of Facts and Conc|usions of Law (copies attached), then error does appear on the face of the record. However, if, in fact, this allegation (of Fact) is not evident from the face of the Records received from the Harris County District C|erk’s Office in these Cause Numbers, the extrinsic fraud has been perpetrated upon the Petitioner and this Honorable court ”impeaching the original transaction," i.e., the denial of Larson's App|ication For Writ Of Habeas~Corpus and/or Writ Of Mandamus. PRAYER FoR RELlEF Larson PRAYS this Honorable Court GRANT Larson's Bill Of Review, Review the entire Habeas Record, Ordering-if necessary-the Harris County District C|erk’s Office to provide both the Honorable Court and the Petitioner the Comp|ete Habeas Corpus Fi|es in the above and Foregoing Trial Court Cause Numbers and, thereafter, GRANT|NG the Relief origingal|y PRAYED for in Larson's App|ications For Writ Of Habeas Corpus; for thus Doth Petitioner PRAY. MoRGAN sKYFusArs § V&)Mj My Commission Ex 'res an 1,2018'" _" / PAulj LARsoN, Petitioner Pro se 9 Bucan Street, #l Houston, Texas 77076§2451 OATH SUBSCR|BED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this Z('~f/\Oolbl/,-zols l\/ly Commission Expires: … %m NOTARY(/ PUBLICU march '7/1<> i<§ Cause No. WR. 20,644-0_ Ex parte |n The Texas Court .Pau_l Larson ‘ of Criminal Appeals v Austin, Texas Trial Court Cause Nos. 449008-€, 449008-D, 465007-€, & 465007-D7 Court Of Criminal Appea|s.Cause Nos.: WR 20,644-04, WR 20,644-05, WR 20,644-06, WR 20,644-07, and WR 20,644-08 CERT|F|CATE OF SERVICE Service has been accomplished by mailing a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument (Bi|| of Review) to the following address: Honorable Linda Garcia, Assistant District Attorney; 1201 Frank|in St., suite 600; Houston, Texas 77002, on this, theé£ "day of Q§H'»\) ,2015. Signed On This The 45 day of f& ,2015. Respectfuny submitted, ,@/M Pau| Larson Pro Se Petitioner t Cause No. 449008'€ EX PARTE § rN THE 263“” Dis'rRicr collar § or mut ALLAN LARsoN, Appu¢am § HARRIS couNTY, TF,xAs STATE’S PROPOSED ORDER DESIGNATENG ISSUES Having reviewed the applicants petition for writ of habeas corpus, the Court finds that the following issues need to be resolved in the instant proceeding whether the applicant is being illegally confined pursuant to a parole warrant and whedier the parole board has unlawfully imposed conditions on his mandatory release Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d_), this Court will resolve the above~cit€§d issue and then enter findings of fact, _ The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED NOT to transmit at this time any documents in the above~styled case to the Court of Criminal Appeals until further order by this Court. By the following signature, the Court adopts the _ State’s Proposed Order Designating lssuec. SIGNEI) on me _____ day of OCT 1 8 2012 , 2012‘ F - 735 Danlel n git:trlet C\ork gm 0 9 2012 / 9/~»:7/"§.‘9~%/@, 'D . ('/Qrk Cause NO.`` 449008~1) , ``/ sit/5 ' "/-¢E/_ b 4 Ex PARTE t _``__ ft \ § iN rita 263“D DISTRICT CCiURT ' `` oF PAUL ALLAN LARSON, _ Applicam ' § HARRIS CoUNTY, TEXAS STATE’S PROPOSED ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES Having reviewed the applicant’s petition for writ of habeas corpus_, the Court finds that the following issues need to be resolved in the instant proceeding: whether the applicant ."s being illegally denied credit for time spent on supervised release and whether the parole board has unlawfully revoked his supervised release 'l``heret``ore, pursuant to Article ll.07, ’i3(d), this Court wili resolve the above-cited issue l and then enter findings of fact. The Clerk oi`` the Court is ORDERED NOT to transmit at this time any documents in the above-styled case to the Court of Criminal Appealsuntil further order by this Court, . ' By the following signature, the Court adopts the State’s Proposed Order Designating Issues. slGNED on the aany "UG ii w ,2013. "x$ ``\. la tv ‘1 Cause No. 46500'7-€ ‘:Vt P./\P_'.'.``.."; l § FN T'riE 263?``9 DT,STF'JCT COT.FRT § ' top i”``AUi.. HLLAN LARSCN, Appitcam § wants COUNTY, rents STATE’S PROPGSED ORDER DESEGNA.TUG ISSUES iiaving reviewed the applicants petition for writ of habeas corpus the Court finds that the foliowing issues need to be resolved in the instant proceeding whether the applicant is being ilie'& talle confined pursuant to a parole warrant and whether the parole board has unlewfullv imposed conditions on his mandatory release Therefore, pursuant to Art;icie ll.O'/``, §3(€!``), this Court will resolve the above~cited issue and then enter findings of fact The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED _N_Q;l: to transmit at this time any documents in the above-styled case to the Court of Criminal A.ppeais until further order by this Cou:t. B§’ the following signature the Court adopts the State"s Proposed Order Desig“nating Issues. - ‘ ' ' 'i 7 : n sIGNED on me day m~ ttCi l 8 ..Cl- ,ZGi£. g §/’P\Eq ;:\``,zi``,'?jf``~ l §J E 33 C&ii‘is. lienin é’,_, District Clerk 5 z 45 tier 0 9 nn ,b ?"'\ 'q`` ~_ /»/~/lll if Cause No 465007-1) o"r"§o ~'59 a&{"'>,‘._ \\‘- "// ‘/// (\( 'C‘/; ;9/ fig Ex PARTE ,, 470 ' § lN THE 263'm omch collar . .`` q § oF PAuL ALLAN LARsoN. \ Applicam ``\\ `` § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS v STATE’S PROPOSED ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES Having reviewed the applicant's petition r"or writ of habeas corpus, the Court fihds that the following issues need to be resolved in the instant proceeding whether the applicant is being illegally denied credit for time spent on supervised release and whether the parole bclard has unlawfully revoked his supervised release Therefore, pursuant to Anicle ll.07, §3(d), this Court will resolve the above-cith issue and then enter findings of fact, The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED NQT to transmit at this time any documents in the above-styled case to the Court of Criminal Appeals until further order by this Court, _ l By the following signature the Court adopts the State’s Proposed Order Designating lssu¢s. w 14 ma ,2013. SlGNED on the ________ day of woluooe l Yo‘ur New Benefit Amount ma BENEFICIARY’S NAME; PAUL A LARSON Your Social Security benefits will increase by 1.7 percent in 201 5 because of a rise int cost of living. You can use this letter when you need proof of your benefit amount to recei' e food, rent, or energy assistance; bank loans; or for other business Keep this letter with yc- irnportant financial records ' How Much Will I Get And When?_ ' l ' Your monthly amount (before deductions) is $1,-§09.00, ~ The amount We deduct for Medicare medical insurance is $0_00_ " (If you did not‘have'Medic``are as`` of Nov. 20, 2014, `` ' `` `` or if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) ' The amount we deduct for your Medicare prescription drug plan is l $0.00_ (If you did not elect withholding as of Nov. l, 2014, we show $0.00.) ° The amount we deduct for voluntary Federal tax withholding is $0.00_ (If you did not elect voluntary tax withholding as of Nov. 2(), 2014, we show $0.00.``) ' . v ~ After we take any other deductions, you will receive $1 09,()0 on or about Jan. 2, 2015. l lf you disagree with any of these amounts you must write to us within 60 days from ihe date l you receive this letter. We would be happy to review the amounts g You may receive your benefits through direct deposit a Direct Express® card, or an Electi*onic Transfer Account. If you Still receive a paper check and want to switch to an electronic g payment, please visit the Department of the Treasury’s Go Direct website at www.godil? What lf I Have Questions? - Please visit our website at wwmsocialsecurig).gov for more information and a variety of on ine services You also can call 1-800-7’72-1213 and speak to a representative from 7'a``m. until 7 p_ ., Monday through Friday. Recorded information and services are available 24 hours a day. Our ines are busiest early in the week, early in the month, as well as during the Week between Christmas New Year’s Day; it is best to call at other times If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call our TI``Y n `` , 1-800-325-0778. If you are outside the United States, you can contact any U.S. embassy or c':o 'ulate'ioe. Please have your Social Secun``ty claim number available when you call or visit and inc de it on any letter you send to Social Security. If you are inside the United States and need assistance _ any kind you can visit your local office | | l l 8939 Ar 610 DR l HousToN ix l ¢_.._‘A.¢i ¢4-\1``441"|``.¢&1”* LS%m . £.596890 l SC)CIAI:. SECURITY`` ADMH‘\’ISTRA:I‘IOF\E' 0 (.``iREAT LAKE'S PR.GGRA}``»/l SERVICE ('JENTER MO:.``S 600 WEST MAD[SON S'i.`` 1 CHICAGO IL 60661-24'74 OFF|ClAL BUSlNE'S~'H PENALTY FOH PR¥‘JATE L"E‘E, $3’..``0 PAUL A i_.'ARSON FO BOX 524001 HOUSTON TX 7 7052-4001 ullll'"illm"lln"|il'mill'ill"i|lli|l"lh"l|i"l"' Open a my Socia/ Security account ' .£m‘.ialS£-icui:itv.agy___, )< 3. Beriefits Paid in 2014 Box 4. Benefits P¢epai``d to SSA in 2014 Box.'$__.‘Ne,t__-Bsnefits fo§rjvgoi¢.tj ama inns `` ``- l§ j 316,620.00 v l $700.00 if n .' :..'., 'f :i$lf'§§ii?,:‘€?:i.f``:l``.€l``l .: ‘ § ii DESCH|PT|ON OF AMOUNT |N BOX 3 l DESCRIPT|ON DF AMOUNT |N BOX 4 il Paid by check or direct deposit $15.920.00 f Deductions for work or other 1 1 Deductions for work or other ll a iust:ments $7()0.00 `` l adjusmiems amoco l tsi-meats repaid w SSA in 2014 sroo.oo l Total Additn``ons $16,620,00 ‘ 5 il Benents f01~2014 316,620.00 z l1 a l l l l . _ l " il : Box 6. Voluntary Federa| income Tax W.ithheld ll l NoNE l .g L____ _ ll j Box 7./-\do'ress § f FA UL A season _l PU BOX 524';)0'1’. 5 } .i"!. OUSTON TX`` 7’7052-40(}1 l l . _' 9 z l.\- , ,..-~ ! ! F;``\ox B. C|a.‘rn Number (Use~ this number if you need to contact SSA.) §§ l 1 n z l § § l XXX-XX-XXXX¢‘\ §§ § i tr 1 'W .=orm ssA-wss.s~i <1~2015) `` °° as ,» i'"m"“_'-. ``"'°i ”°"M m SSA°""S ``:- ~ '~