DocketNumber: WR-80,129-03
Filed Date: 11/4/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
.. ((O, 109 -()~ . \': .DEON D~VIS # lf,3 7 35~ POE·UN;SK·Y UNIT-· ``-71' .F..M 329 .~9P'f!f LIVINGSTON T.EX'AS1~ 773'5::1.: · CLER'[( .ABEL -A~OS~.A p .•. o.. sox :r1:3oa . c.AP!ToL '1: ~· sT-ATION APST~N ~EkAS 787~1 . ·, . ' 2-'. ·--···. ··~·,:..,:. :?··~: ·> :~ . Clerk, ·!.-..: ~- -~. .·, ', . ;,, .· .: !'.. ~ '< , Please' find encleeed the fol:bwing· " ::l:_~ga.;J.· · c;J091,l~_~n~s : . f~'l,'J.~I-9N, ,.;FOR MANDAMUS. AND C~URT OF CRIMINAL. ·APPEALS .HABBAS . . . i JURISID~CT:tO,N -.-. , ... :. H ~.:..: !;.t· ., .. : _., CODE . OF CRIMINA'L "PR"OCEDURE ART 4 .• 04 .. . ·: ·-. ~ . :~ :· . . ',, . ~-':' -~.:~ - AS WELL AS ITS SUPPO~T.ItJ~ ~XHIBI'r A AND ~. p'f;~AS·E F!t:E .THIS ON . ,._ . ' ' ,: • ~ !. the ~arne court DOCKET ··-· .. IN TF:J·E· -~·-'· ABOVE·, . . . . -r. • CAUSE · .AS .. THE·~·-:_``-~ PEND:E,NG . . -· :,HABE;A'S . '·:.. \, ' APPLICATION AND MOTION ~EEN~ILED . '.· '> .. ·. ' .FOR VENUE .- ,- ALL OF WHICH HAVE 1 • . . ' • ~ • ' - ' ' • •• PRIOR FOR THIS COURT DOCKET IN T_HE ·.S~AME C~IM_l.:``A'L "C'A!JSE, NUM:BE·R. ·,Tfi~:NK YOU FOR :'fOPR ASSISTANCE IN T.8l;S M~N~E~ .• ~ .. - ···: SINCERELY, DEON DAVIS . ' .;, .. .,,;._ . ,.' · ... · ·~ .. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ·, . ,•' . ">.!'·=: A{JSTIN TEXAS !·. ' '' \ ·/ \. ..-·- i PETITIONER I Rc.lator DEON A "~DA V.I_S CAUSE No I~ 8 5 \ 0~) D \ '(>- .VS T-HE STATE. OF TEXAS·· RESPONDENT. ·~ .; . PETITION: FOR MANDAMUS AND COURT ,OF CRH1INMt \ ' ,APPEALS HABEAS. JURISD:I9TION CQDE OF CRIMI.NAr,.· PR0CEDURE r\RT 4._p:4. +O THE HONQRA``E J:U:DG~ OF S.AID COURT: I . I '. I. .c_omes ·Now Deorl pavis .t~e relator in the.- .abo,ve cause num.ber · a_n;p - -: . wou;id .:~.hci.\o( 'thi·s. ~ourt ,f:he followf'n'g :. I. PROCEDURAL HI~TORY ' -~s 'oF THE. DATE" ,. .. ' OF OCTC)BER· !.' ·.. ,, ·. . 3o, 20.i.s l•. i . ·! ' ' t-he. c6ur"f" dock~t ' ' ·: ~ is 1h r~'ce~pt I~B 5 I 0\.l- .f) the above cause· no-...=.:.~,.,....,..---=--- this ,. i·,j' '·· ., ,... coupt i~ in ·p~ceipt o-f the attacn-ed'' H'aBeas M)pli9ati.on .. in th~ abqve. cause nu~ber ~SEE COQRTS DOCKET ~HEET IN TH`` CAtiS~). II. SHO~J OF CAUSE ·:.The- rel~for Deon . ,. 'f'! Davis· moves· this court to EXECUTE ORDER OF .~· .,M,ANDAMUS ppoN THE no3# .Judic.ial .District· court of Tarr~n-t. county Texas i~ t.~e a~ove caus~ number ,_and Q~der· thi~:J' court to· prp``C,e ,. trial court: reporter'S TRANSCRIPT 'sEE NOW ~f~;LKER 827 S. W.• ~S'l a·t 8;39" this Tr``l court has a ministerial duty to act in· . .. pro:vidfng ,. •' the Court Repor-ters r· . . .. Transqript of the trial in the instant case. -1- '·' , . , .v· \ .. _ ."',/·· In the instant case (SEE EXHIBIT A) the relator Deon Davis· \., t. \· -_,,. ! . I . had tr_~e~- repe,atedly to obtain his .trial 'court_ tran_scripts,where .! the trial court alleged that ~he relato'r Deon (oavi~-- h,aq: ent-~r:e.d • . -- C!-' .. plea_ o-~ guilt and received a ~ year imprisonment term and the ;,``'0rel_a·t``--,~eon Davis assert th~t is not faCtual .of the trial. recor,a ·.:'·-<'c';,. :arid ... hold tha.t in controversy, the facts --`` . ·are that .during ;;a·-~pretiia·l·· .. . ·_.;; . ~ he~ring in the instant case in the 3rd Judicial Dis.t-rict- Court '· -``-~ ..... _ -of Tarrant County Texas the relator Qeo~tf.:: D~yis had a .conf',ltc.t:- . . . (, ''i i . ~ . . i o-f: in'terest with- his tria~ court appointed attorney over hiS.--':~,- - 1: ">:.· .... attorneys failure to execute a "BIGGERS TEST"· chall:eng'ing~, a ., ._.. ; video camera recording of the proximity of tlie Dollar Store t·h'at.' · _. wa:s alleged !-O have be·en Robbed by the -~e~ia·tor ·where this video ...... ' /'\\ . · r'ec_ot:ding did riot reveal h·r~ iden-tity: bUt instead another perso'n 1 .. ; •'\ during the conflict of interest with his attorney the-relator •.( De.on- Da-~i's made ·a racial slurr towarc1 his attorney ~alling him· ,.,. . ' ··.· quote"A````~ :'T-RASH SHIT". what -f·ollow4d 'next was' judge .R~bb- cata,ia'ri() . -~ ; : . . ~·· .:·~- .-F ·<. ·:· .,.! ---. . ·._· .. . " yelle~ fot brder in. the ..._ .. •. . ' ~ ~ourt then' stated quote· "I. ca:n' ge_t· you:-.- -~ ' • r ' ' • for conte~-P-t··_ ci_f ·.court -~-ig.ger-" the relator, was order to stand -:-~ -:-... " -.- r· , ·~\ "· bef-e>re the,_ )-~-d~-~ Rob,!;> c~·t'a:l kano ·where he was -then ~entenced to.' "-.___ - . ~ ) ~- year``.l fo;- wh~t _h~ the re~a;to~ Deon- Davis thought w·as for. t,>_,,_-;·;. ' • '. j, ·} • • • 1,, ,,·, . ... c . ;,.contempt of. court I i'n ,the i-nstant: case. riurlng, the sentencing the ! . • .•' I . ,..• ·Judge Robb. Catciqano ordet:ed the CoQr·t. Repo'Jter to "ST_RIKE" the - ' ``qord.~b~.rel~tor Deon Davis while ~n appeal tti~d ~o e~plain t-hi.s for adequat_e grol:lnds to raise ·u.pori his app~al,.w]:1~n he wrote his Appea 1 Attorney _..;;B..;. A;.;;R.. ;R..;. Y;;;..__ _...;........__'A;..;...;.;.L.;;.F...;;O..;.R.;.;;D;;-_-4 ``a:Fry A1 f or.d ' !::'~fused to raise anr ·grounds upon appeal of this ,na~,.ure but' 5.~:-::`` :;(i ~ . instead filed an ANDERS BRtEF IN TH~ JNSTANT CASE ON APPEAL \ .\ •, t. IN THEj: /1 nd c.ot.H\\ PF APPEl\\':> \ ,'' .. -2-- ,, .. ~-. t . '.. ....;,..< • ' ••. ~. Deon·: Davis could nc;>t adequately prepare his brief'absent of his Court ~h·ere the material facts of ho.w the relatore Deon D'avis ob.tained .. . •' hl,~ sentence and the amount of time of that sentence an.d ·that 3 f~ct that the relator Deon Davis never entered ``guilty plea during sentenc'ing was material facts in the record see now A trial court's denial on discovery issue's remedied by Manda~us . Able s·up·•. vMoye ,898 s ~w. 2d _766., 771-72 ( Tex 1.~95.); In re Hinter long 109 s .. w.3d 611 633 (Tex.App.-Fort Worth 2oo3,o''rig.proceeding) . ' (holding mand~m~s relief available to compel . production ¢f info . ···, .. • ,. • t, ·~ . : . :···~.y:·;.>,:~f~fo``~'fioh b~c~'use denial. of discover¥:~· pr·eve~t'ed from ;:'"·.``ta~ti~;``~i'f~!g 4.:',p1i~m). ~adi relator·· D~on :oa.\1:.``~;~ received t·he ·' ' d' .. !;._ .: .....:.~: ·:~l ·:. ·:``.-;."'"'·,: • >' ·.~u~•'".;: ._; '.:_..1-':.-{~: .• ~ i . . .,! . dJi-f'1~··rt,f..,, , csn1r-t· ~Report.'ers'.transcr..ipt:; , , . : ..• fn-"t-93~-l' . . i'ri's. t·c:rn:.t: case '··· he...-.·: ..could ·• hav.e ~,;-··,...;.,, ~··..t 1~ ·.. ·.·n·t~·~·:.t~.i·~, ~Q.~f~·~,: '",lit~. ina't:et;ial fact·s '(from ·~t~e.'``e·~:·~;~·; whfch: . .' ')··::. i :``.~·: '-' ·; -~ ·~· .. •.\ , • . ., • .;. ...... .• ':' ••. ' . . ; : • wi 11 rev.ea:l'·: •• that , ... he ; '"; never '. or :· entere.d ' a :plea .of• Gu,il:t . an'd • :; nev··~r re~eived· :a ~ent~nce ~f 25 years ~ but'~i:nstead-"red~i:``d ·-· -a. 14 year ~.- ·~ : J •• : r..' -· ........ sentence 'during ·a· pret'rial hec:fring·: for::;"c.ontempt bf c.our,.t:: ~)ler·~ • .· I· ; ·1 · ,. .. .. ,,, i~ st~uctu'~':"llerrcir and Recusal the judge Robb C,~i````o gid . use derqgatory language "NIGGER" toward the -r.eTa~t:q,r·:.m.'¥.o.n pav1:s' . -~ ' ~ I 'r .~..-.J • ~·· •• ~·~. '.\``~.~i``;``~'·' •. . and impos·ed a 14·.-·year imprisonment term wh'icb~·~w.a.if! ~l· illegaly ~1 te,rd by th~ Isame trial court ~nder .a f~l:~:e~. jj~'~g``-.m~:~·t)rt1'e fa·ct"':. . that, the ··c``~.t of Appeals in the in~tant 'c·~S'~.::!!``h~b.~:``;, ·t:her r , •· ;,:,,: Ande,rs brief. fi.I"ed .by appellate counse·i B~;-ry· A'iffio'i'd>w!Hle 'failin·g to~ t? th·e··relator Deon .Davi~ with'''a-· record·of the tri~l transcript violate~ the law see e~hibit ~ ari~ this law . :_., / "f /· .' / '1,,.:. .. · -3- ~' . t· .... .l /' / I ' Kelly.v State No~o6-12-00141-CR,2013 (holding that the court . . . ,! ~f Appeals erred by deciding the ~nders a~peal-without ensuring that· sylvester Kelly had adequate opportunity to obtian the appellate Record and prepare pro se brief.In addition where the is_sue ''s of the court reporters records are in controversey as to the r'elator Deon Davis contest th~t he did not enter a ple!! .of gu~lt -.:r'l.ot;'· receive a sentence of 25 years as asserted by the· trial ,cq1.1rt in the instant case,this Court has jurisdiction of I .. mandamus to compel! the 3i Judicial .District Court of Tarrarit I ~6unty Texas in the instant case to provide t~e Record or . -~.,. ,\ ') _. otder the relators Deon Davis Habeas Relief of NEW TRIAL under the HABEAS CORPUS APPLICATION that is currently pending on thi:s cou~ts.Docket in the.~nstant case see Appellate Procedure Rule 34.6 .(f) (1) and (2). . III. REQUESTED RELIEF Wherefore Pr~msies considered in light of CRIMINAL CODE OF PROCEDURE ar~ 4;?4 the relator Deon Davis prays that this court 7;.. grant relief of ih~ following:(A) order MANDAMU~ compelling the Judicial District Court fTarrant County Texas in the in~tant cas to provide the Court Reporters Transcript.Rec6fd:p~t~uant to Appellate P:r;<;>~:~dure Rule 34.6 (f) (1) ot;:' be ~u,bject to ~ew trial _,. ·.\ .\ in the instant case and in light of this court review of Habeas ·"' ) ';'·.· Application on docket in the instarit case·. t ,' EXECUTED ON THEJo DAY OF _,,..· - ~- UNSWORN DECLARATION CIVIL P~ACTICE AND REMEDI*S CODE SECTrON 132.000-132.003 . ' I DEON DAVIS #j83/ 3 S Q the relator in the ~etition for .,. Mandamus and COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS .HABEAS JURISDICTION CODE-· OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ART 4.04 d6 hereby swear under penalty of ·perjury that t:he follwoin·g~ aneW fo~r~ego.i:ng: legal document and its exh''ibits A .AND B~EVIDENC:E;r·IN.SUEPORT''THEREfJF ARE TRUE AND CORRECT .. - [, . . duly e.~ecuted. in the same on this the.3Q_DAY 0~ Otivh386 U.S. 738, 87( S. Ct. 1396 (1967), by presenting a professional evaluation of the record and demonstrating why there are no arguable grounds for appeal. See Stafford v. State, 813 S.W ..2d 503.,. i511· (Tex. Grim .. App. 1991~);, Mays v. Stat9:, 904 S.W:.2d 920; 922- I . - ~ 23 (Tex. App.-Fort Worth 1995, no pet.). We gave Davis an opportunity to file a prose response, and Davis filed a prose response to the Anders brief, as well as a reply, raising multiple points. 2 By two different letters, the State acknowledges having received counsel's brief as well as Davis's response and reply. In these letters, the State informs us that it will not file its own response. · Once an appellant's court-appointed counsel files a motion to withdraw on the ground that the appeal is frivolous and fulfills the requirements of Anders, we are obligated to undertake an independent examination of the record to see if there is any arguable ground- that may b~ raised· on the - appellant's behalf. See . IStafford, 813 S.W.2d at 511;Mays, 904 S.W.2d at 923. Only then may we grant 2 1n his initial response, Davis argues that he received ineffective assistance of counsel, that the evidence is insufficient to support his conviction, that he was entitled to a mandatory stenographic recording of his plea hearing, and that he should have been allowed to withdraw his plea. In his reply, Davis asks this court to hold the State in contempt of court because it chose not to file a ·. response in this case. Our review of the brief, filings, and record included, but was ·not limited to, -these matters. 2 ! < • . counsel's motion to withdraw. See Penson v. Ohio,488 U.S. 75, 82-83,109 S. Ct. 346, 351 (1988). We have carefully reviewed ·the record, Davis's prose filfngs, and the brief . filed by Davis's counsel. We .agree with counsel that this appeal is wholly frivolous and without merit; we find nothing in the record that arguably might support any ~ppeal: See Bledsoe v. State, .178 S.W.3d 824, 827 (Tex. Crim. I f\pp. 200q); $ee. alse Garner v:: St9.te/r300 ·$~W(3d · 76G.; 767 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009). · Accor dingly, we grant the motion to withdraw and affirm the trial court's . 1 judgment. BILL MEIER JUSTICE PANEL: MCCOY, MEIER, and GABRIEL, JJ. DO NOT PUBLISH ". Tex. R. App. P. 47.2(b) DELIVERED:! JuneS, 2014 I . ' ... . 3 02-13-00053-CR June 5, 2014 Page 2 Respectfully yours, DEBRA SPISAK, CLERK !J.Jh~ ~ ...