DocketNumber: WR-84,094-02
Filed Date: 11/4/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
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Also, Please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope, with enough postage to cover the weight of the package. Contact the Court Repoiter listed below to request a copy of the Court Reporter’s Record. Mike Carlisle Hood County Justice Center 1200 West Pearl St. Granbury, Texas 76048 The following instrument has been filed in the above listed case: Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus. The District Attorney has been given a copy. He has 15 days in which to file an answer. If he does not tile an answer within that time, your application will be presented to the District Judge for his i"uling. If it is denied, a transcript will be prepared and sent to the Court of Criminal Appeals in Austin, Texas. The Record of your Writ of Habeas Corpus has been mailed to the Court of Criminal Appeals in Austin, Texas. A copy of the Order denying said Writ is attached to this letter. TONNA TRUMBLE HITT, DISTRICT CLERK Hood County, TeXas Deputy Clé!l< ,Z///V/%//% /j a//W/ /,/+-’-' /) y/M/'¢ JA://X/ 1)/// m%~ ¢//>az far »/ff[ /ff/@/y/l% %# /ZfA//y/ //// d£%@f/A /]/ ,z.d/f (»// Fll'_.E-ID OCT 13 2015 Cause No. W12088-l __ tax PARTE; rN THE oisTRiCr CoURT 355"``" JUDICIAL oisTRICT JUSTIN LEE ALsroN Hoor) CoUNTY, TEXAS POST CONVICTION HABEAS CORPUS ORDER 'l`` he petition of JUSTIN LEE ALSTON for a Writ of Habeas Corpus pursuant to Article ll.07, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, having been filed, and the District Attorney of Hood County having failed to answer/answered within the time allotted by the law, the Court proceeded to consider said petition. After having reviewed the pleading and instruments on file in Cause No. Wl2088-l The State of Texas vs. JUSTIN LEE ALSTON the petition on file in this cause, the Court is of the opinion and does hereby find that there are no controverted, previously unresolved issues of fact material to the legality of the Petitioner’s conviction and therefore recommends that the relief requested in said petition be DENIED. The Court hereby directs the Clerk of this court to file the findings and to prepare a transcript of all proceedings had in connection with this application for Writ of I-labeas Corpus and shall transmit such transcript to the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals as required by law. The Clerk is further directed to furnish a copy of these findings to the Petitioner and the District Attomey. Signed this the g z day of Octo . 355"* motor Hooo CoUNTY, TEXAS FlLEI UCT 13 2015 “';."..