DocketNumber: WR-29,735-08
Filed Date: 11/4/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
_ lng éAégL /4[(5_54 o "6 AB€%S€O££_U l \ @F>:£CT’O'“’ 729 DXSM:: l:;¢“: /"“'W wigsz »JM- MMD’::;q »_,3¢» Q ./w -~='i;;W-/> ”-“’//; izg,,[\S,°T{ ,Z}:§``Z£-D M£ v _ q AD/&D'LO@V l ZKM,)©VA /( a 4 4 3 ga MS)B?F § WQ‘WAW£;¢L :; ewng /é., F~WS /Qz?D/€``/" Ql_m.b: C‘>¢/ W£ @Mf 70 f W‘ fw , ' P_DEW“€§JOW " l REcElvEDxM VM couRToFcR:MmALAPPEALs b NUV 04 2015 AbefAcosia,C!erk ``E:\Zels‘é"Tl//(§: l ',> 1111 Correctional Managed Care RAD|OLOGY REP'ORT Date Transcribed: 03/28/2013 08: 45 Patient Name: JONES, TONY R TDCJ#:1312115 Date: 03/28/2013 08 45 Age: 49 year Race: W Sex: male _ Patient's Facility: M|CHAEL (M|) Department of Radiology The University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals ~ »Galveston, TX 77555 , l ' Phone:(409)747-7000 Fax:(409)747-2850 PATIENT: Jones, Tony DATE OF BIRTH: `` DATE OF E)Q\M: 3/25/2013 9:46:00 AM PATIENT #: 1312115 `` EXAM ID #: 6429482 - ' ’€5// REFERRING PHYSICIAN: u¢% GARY D. WRIGHT glow MICHAEL UNIT TENNESSEE COLONY, TX 75886' OFFKIALCOPY ' 1 WRIST, MINIMUM OF 3 VIEWS- RIGHT SIDE g HISTORY: ORIF 01/24/2011,LOOSE HARDWARE PAST 3 MOS COMPARISON: None. FINDINGS: `` An old fifth metacarpal fracture is noted. A cortical plate and multiple anchoring screws affix the distal radius in satisfactory alignment without evidence of hardware complications. No acute fracture or dislocation is identified. Mild soft tissue swelling of the wrist is noted. PAVIT BAINS, MD Personally interpreted by: FERNANDO CESANI, MD /signed by/ FERNANDO cEsANI, MD Department of Radiology The University of Texas Medical Branch Last edited On: 3/27/2013 3:45:00 PM Finalized on: 3/27/2013 3:45:00 PM 'Elecuonically Signed by GAS"i"lAN SUZANNE 011 03/28/21)13. Elcctronically Signed by \‘v R1Gl1'1", GARY G D O. 011 04 ’OS 0213. ##A11d No 0111¢:13## wm `` _ JoNEs, ToNY 380 _ gsr-1617 “s“ ¢)‘ -WHEREFORE»,; APPLI;<:AN¢!= mass THATTHE connT »GmsrArgchANfr t 'RELIEF rio wnr'c:-H“HE"MAYBE ENTIILED5.IN '1“1'11'§§$_``P'ROc;‘,jI:?;ll~;i§)'ING:s vERIFICATIoN:_ This application must be venf' ed or it will bc dismissed for non-comphance For verification purposes an applicant ls`` a person 111ng the application on his or her own behalf A petitioner is a person filing the applrcatlon on behalf of an appllcant for example ``an apphcant sl- attorney An inmate is a person Who rs in custody by a hccnsed attorney the attorney may sign the “Oath Bcforc a Notary Pubhc” as pcnnoner and then complete ‘Pet111onor s lnforrnatlon ” A non-lnmate applicant most sign the “Oa``th Bc``forc a Notary P'nblic” before a notary public unlcs§ he7 rs represented _by. a hccnsed attorney in Which case thc attorney may sign th"c verification as petitioner 1 _ A non~inmate non-attorney patiti_oncr must sign the “Oath Be``for'c a' Notaly Publ:c” before a notary public and must also complete “Petmoncr s Information ’~’ An inmatc pct1t1or1er must sign either the “Oath Bcf_ore a Notdry Pubhc” before _a`` notary pub1ic or the “Inmatc-’ s Declara_tion”_ W'ithout a notany pnblic and must also complete the approprtate “Pcntmner s Inf``orrnanon carn_:annonr A_.No'rany marra 1 ,_ y ._ ;. ~ 1 '; : _;;H _ .' :\ `` l mrs @FTEXAS `` " `` ' rcoUN-TY( orr z ,b_cing duly sworn under oath;- says “I arn .:\thc`` applicant ``/ petitioner (circle onc) m this act1o``n and know the contents of the above apphcatlon for a writ of habeas corpus and, accordmg to iny behcf the facts stated 111 th_c _apphcatxon arc true . _. sUBsCRIBED AND_ sWORN 10: BEFoRE 1113 rios DAY on 1 1 20 `` .. .' . , ~ 4f>"ig.v»r'r"irf~f»0.1``1_\1<.>1€1131,.Puli>’fir 16 Rev._ 011/14/1»4 ._1 c- _./<’ 1 1 1..~INMATE’s DECLARATI<:)N 1 7//V/€‘1'Y``g>"'5_§ l ,``ani the applicant / petinoner (cir_¢le one) and being presently incarcerated in M Kl< [/J. MZ}/AZL l4hW declare under penalty of rapenjery that~_,,-acc_ording to my~-belief,~ the facts staiedyi'nthe above application are'tr_ne and;eorrect;,: _liS_'i'sned~ orr 57% 549 615 MMZZO 010 Z§/ Re\'z. 0.1!1*4``/1"14 iN 71/£6’@11/!’700€€/€//“/#/%£ /H,M 07 757/16 AMFWM "/71;/71)/3@11£5 `` 7 `` ¢/5. _ C/w$f M>: W£>/ 71»73:&): 764/46 _ 775€7 /’1’3 1'68"'1> ' W»/(’ 3161/1551 03 w/C ;L@zn;> szo_<’¢ M$i/> 11/1&/15 511/1175 11°»71@17~ (D>'Y>;£CWz)/J 76 _D;$/W Dé~?‘<'i© 7111111”01757 617 11/``7<1§-' 171sz Moe/€ /11»61>5~ M~QMM, 1101/796 15 501/117 /vow £0/1/1€5 p/€o.§i Afpz/M/ /€£MT/€ 771 /}/.§Dvi vi77L&1> 777 571/pas /111)7’/1")»1 715111115 7117 ?11@~1%¢';1 /a[.,/»A W/€“ 3773):03 § 55 m 767/1707 ~D_ APPLI``£A»/T {J/€o umwa 6 1171/3610 L»JJ€*SK‘I"'LZ§``£¢{ 15 éfpggj|vi/O fswl iF§/<’_€cl 7:SW 71111”¢9 1111/1117 7 Séél< wl PA"°¢H , _j:= 1145 HAM;L@RPMS w£sN¢S'Fl-AU- CON' " 1910 /’rCl/>) Jaz/ 14 115 D@/v<>f 1114115'/4 15 }» (¢¢,4>")11»4 1111 7 1'11€ /1~171@€ 11/165,5 571 ,1, …M,e``,?- 01 11111”111 (ccA) 1175 501/175 /1)010, _ A{lPZl°CAWHPw L< €>éf;\j 71@ 115 M?l@ 77 151°_9,, 3 W MAM£J/ A/d EKC£éAé.D 1419 Wg$ AHUM Bg ````1114156,16 611‘:1>115 1573/wm 777 60\)61< pma MCCCA> ~F@/ 151°31»1§3 lEFma/§‘ 711 5' _/"'__* ’l M NVW'/ 1>115§1``6 v 5:§__ UZNM D 251 ,4,<’/17/'?91) ‘: - ____/___,.__--- "75 711/11115/11>11°177 ``/1111175"17 527 717 '1’@/17 717 1107/31 1>1161"``6"1371£ 11 1171 1176 .4 °_bé_‘f 715 “ 711/1575 hawsz 111/7110;7,71_1¢;’ ' ,KSL[J``J,_`` ,/. ;> ",.: ,`` _ 41 'M,.__~__/-»- _AP;<»)QM’ 51§115.1>- 775 g 11/111...__,7’ €(' 'D/~»£MM 011 111€¢<711'7°7151 515/377 ' MN” 1259¢:1111'1 577 wm 11$£//46' 519pr 1617/115 115 § 1151 0117 v 7 1167/1115 /l /<}pp;€cX/rr' is po’/”,AV Lr``cz/u£l> A``7%)K/v€7 /W``/<’ HELL> 75 ~U£ _ij/‘§~/sz 5-54,``/1>,4/€2>5 /4;5 .,A L;c£/\)S€Z) /+77@0)57 5¢€, qaq@:t 5010, qa$¢c~é afé"i é, 50 L¢'E“ 1&<‘ d jay 575ng 054 pain u.. 667@ SMA, 92~#5 ‘/‘ W£*M;§v/jc/Te, Lmsj, §;1;1 ‘F,¢M 155 §»,W L?M 75 WVFU % 555/5 BOTM' _z>ué:@£€@<,»;) @,``),~)€¢; ,%ng$i 53501@‘“'1@ S¢A¢Nz/\Az, dower /€u/)``@ , App¢f§A»\/T 196 ./>r L»Bfm/ :r/~f~f§/ , A/U> blitv\e<:z$ wl ML<_O%S£ 55ij jj'j)D/»J (/, CON/JQ:J 515 mé. qmaémq§j_ ' ' , 1 APPL>°€AJ show M&L ”ON.€, EXW 249 €" E_:CA) €,€Mw jj'£§j, BM \/.ngm/w ’L/F¢)LA’(/Ms;_“ /+la@ w?'z¢¢/ . v/°QLM?M§ doc §£/~»/cj:: é"i``~w 53 1605 SQLM.QML/cmz 57 /W wij Dvm/ mccomf@§?% \/<5/<~ . /vo!ub /H)/\). 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