DocketNumber: PD-1465-15
Filed Date: 11/12/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
PD-1465-15 PD-1465-15 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Transmitted 11/11/2015 11:56:45 AM Accepted 11/12/2015 2:17:01 PM ABEL ACOSTA CLERK IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINA,L APPEALS No. 14-14-00M4-CR In the FourteenthCourtof Appeals of Texas Justin RossAllen, Appellant V. The Stateof Texas,,Afuellee Appollant'sPetitionfor Discre{ionarT Review JefatdK. Crrabe,r T$B # 08240320 917Franklin,Suite510 H$rston,Texas77A02 Tdl.713-22+232 A4omey for Appellant November 12, 2015 StatementRegardingOral Argument Appellantwaivesoral argument. Identitv of Judge.Parties.and Counsel Pursuantto TEX. R. APP.P. 38.1(a),the followingpersonsareinterested parties: Appellant Mr. JustinRossAllen TDCJ# 0r960t4s HollidayUnit 295lH-45 North Huntsville,TX 77320 Trial Judee TheHonorableBrad Han 230tr, DistrictCourr 1201Franklin Houston,Texas77002 Attomeysfor State Ms. SarahRobertsandMs. Lisa Calligan(in trial) Mr. Alan Curry(on appeal) HarrisCountyDA's Office 1201Franklin,6ftFloor Houston,Texas77002 Attomey for Appellant Mr. GordonDeesand Mr. William Denham(in fial) Mr. JeraldK. Graber (on appeal) 917 Franklin,Suite510 Houston.Texas77002 Table of Contenti Page STATEMENTREGARDINGORAL ARGIII\{bNT 2 IDENTITYOFJUDGE,PARTIES,AND CoI.Ii\tSEL 3 TAtsLEOFCONTENTS 4 INDEXOFAUTI{ORITIES 5 STATEMENTOFTT{ECASE 6 STATEMENTOFPROCEDURAL HISTORY 6 APPELLANT'S GROUNDSFORREVIEW 7 REASONFOR REVIEWING GROUNDSFOR REVIEW 7 ARGUMENT 8 CONCLUSIONandPRAYERFOR RELIEF 1,4 CERTIFICA]E OF COMPLIA}TCE T4 CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE 15 Index of Authorities Cases Pase Cookv.State, 9,lr 884S.W.2d485(Tex.Crim.App. 1994) Jaclrsonv.Virginia, 8 ,1 l 443U.S.307,318-19,99 S.Ct.2781,278F-99, 6LL.Bd.zds60(re7e) Leal v. State, 9 ,1 1 800s.w.2d346,348 (Tex.App.,CorpusChristi lgg},pet ref.) Lugo-Lugov. State, 9, LI-12 650S.W.2d72,81(Tex.Crim.App. 1983) Saxtonv. State, t2 804S.W.2d910,911(Tex.Crim.App. tq91) Thomosv. State, 13 578S.W.2d691,698 (Tex.Crim.App. Ig79) Statutes. CodesandRules Tex.Pen.Codeg 6.03(a), (b) 9 ,T T Tex.Pen.Codeg 9.32 13 Tex.Pen.Code$ 19.02(bX1), (2) 8,9,11 Tex.R.App.Proc. 66.3(c)and(D 8 To the HonorableCourt of Criminal Appeals: Statementof the Case Appellantwaschargedby indictmentwith the felonyoffenseof murder. (CR 10).Appellantentereda pleaof 'onotguilty" andthe casewastried before a iury. GR III 23). The jury found appellantguilty as chargedin the indictment.(CR 97). Thereafter,the jrry assessed a sentenceof 13 yearsin prison.(RR IV 12). Appellanttimely filed a written notice of appeal.(CR 128). Thetrial courtcertifiedthe defendant's right of appeal.(cR 130). Statementof ProceduralHistory on November10, 2015 a panel of the FourteenthCourt of Appeals opinionaffirmingthetrial court'sjudgmentin this case. issuedan unpublished Appellantfilesthis first petitionfor discretionary reviewwith this Court. Appellant'sGroundsfor Review r) The court of Appealserredin holding the evidencesufficientto supportthejury's verdictof guilt for murder.No trier of fact could have found that appellanteither intentionallyor knowingly caused the deathof the complainantor intendedto causeseriousbodily injuy to the complainant. 2) The Court of Appealserredin holding the evidencesufficientto supportthejury's verdictof guilt for murdersinceno rationaltrier of fact could havefound beyonda reasonabledoubtthat appellantdid not actin self-defense. Reasonfor ReviewinsAppellant'sQround for Review ThelowerCourt'sruling shouldbe reviewedpursuantto Tex.R. App. P. 66.3(c)and(f). Argument Ground for Review Number One: The evidenceis legally insufficient to support the jury's finding that appellant intentionally or knowingly causedthe death of the complainant, JamesTaylor. In this case,the evidencedoes not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that appellant either intentionally or knowingly causedthe death of the complainant or intended to cause serious bodily injury to the complainant. Thus, the evidence is insufficient to support the jury's guilty verdict on murder. The trial judge erred by not granted appellant's motion for an instructedverdict of not guilty. In reviewing the legal sufficiency of evidence,courtsconsiderall of the evidencein the light most favorableto the verdict and determinewhetherany rational trier of fact could have found the essentialelementsof the crime beyonda reasonabledoubt.Jacksonv. Virginia,443 U.S. 307,318-19,99 S.Ct. 2781,2788-89,61L.Ed.2d560 (1979). As chargedin the indictment and the jury charge, a person can commit murder if he (1) intentionally or knowingly causesthe death of an individual or (2) intends to causeserious bodily ittjuty and commits an act clearly dangerousto human life that causes the deathof an individual.Tex. Pen.Code g 19.02(bX1),(2). An intentional killing occurswhen the person's consciousdesireor objective is to causethe deathof another. A knowing kilting occurswhen the personknows that death is reasonablycertain. Tex. Pen. Code $ 6.03(a), (b). Thus a knowing killing contemplatesthe commissionof an act that is objectively dangerousto human rife.Lugo-Lugov. state,650s.w.2d72,81 (Tex.crim. App. 1983).To prove murder under this theory, the statemust prove that the defendantintentionally or knowingly engagedin an actthat causedthe death and intendedor knew that deathwould resultfrom that act.Leal v. State,800s.w.2d346,34g (Tex. App., Corpus Christi 1990, pet ref.). Intentional and knowing murder under $19.02(b)(l),(2) is a result-of-conduct offense.Cookv.State,884S.W.2d485 (Tex. Crim. App. 1994). Thus, the culpable mental state is focused on the defendant'sintent to achievethe result, ratherthan the defendant'sknowledge regardingthe conduct.Lugo-Lugov. State,650S.W.2dat 81. In this case,at the close of the State's case-in-chief appellantmade a motion for an instructedverdict of not guilty. The motion was deniedby the trial judge. (RR IV 80). The trial judge erred by not granting appellant's motion for an instructedverdict of not guilty sincethe state'scase-in-chiefdid not prove the essentialelementsof murder. The stateonly proved that (1) the complainant died from blunt force trauma to his head erndneck area, (2) appellanttold his fatherthat the complainant"wasn't going to make it to work the next day becausehe was dead in a blanket in the motel room," and (3) appellant waslocatedandarrested outsideat a nearbyhotel.(RRIII 49,236, IV 13-14,34).Therewasnoevidence directlyor indirectlylinkingthedeathof the complainantto appellant.The fact that appellantand the complainantwere sharinga motel room is not any evidencethat appellantwas the actualperson who causedthe death.Furthermore,there was no evidencepresentedthrough appellant'sfather that appellantadmittedto the killing. Thus, the evidenceis legally insufficient to support a finding that appellant either intentionally or knowingly causedthe death of the complainantor intendedto causeserious bodily inj,rry to the complainant,ffid the trial judge erred by not granting appellant's motion for an instructedverdict of not guilty at the close of the stateoscase-in-chief.Thus, the Court of Appeals erredin fitndingthe evidence sufficientto supportthe verdict. Appellant shouldbe acquitrtedby this Court. Ground for Review Number Two: The evidenceis legally insufficient since no rational trier of fact could have found beyond a reasonabledoubt that appellant did not act in self- defense.There is no evidencein this caseto disprovethat appellantdid not act in self-defense.Self-defenseis the only logical explanationfor what happened. Appellant assertsthere was insufficient evidence to disprove self- defensebeyonda reasonabledoubt.The jury was instructedlto acquit appellant 10 unlessit believedbeyonda reasonabledoubtthat he did not act in self-defense. (CR 89-93). In reviewing the legal sufficiency of evidence,courtsconsiderall of the evidence in the light most favorable to the verid. Finding sufficient evidencethat appellantintentionallycommittedan act clearly dangerous to humanlife, we overruleappellant'sfirst issue. B. Is the evidencesufficient to support the jury's rejection of appellant'sself-defense theory? In his second issue appellantarguesthere was insufficient evidenceto "disprove" self-defensebeyonda reasonabledoubt.The State,however,was not requiredto "disprove" self-defense.Becauseappellantraisedthe issue of self- defense,the Statehad to prove the elementsof the offensebeyond a reasonable doubt, and the State had to persuadethe jury that appellantdid not kill the SeeZuliani v. State,97 S.W.3d589, 594 (Tex. Crim. complainantin self-defense. App. 2003).A defendanthasthe burdenof producingsomeevidenceto supporta Zuliani, gT S.W.3dat 594.Oncethe defendantproducesthat claim of self-defense. evidence,the Statethen bearsthe burden of persuasionto disprovethe raised defense.Id. The burden of persuasiondoes not require the State to produce evidence;it requiresonly that the Stateprove its casebeyonda reasonable doubt.Id. A determinationof guilt by the factfinder implies a finding against the defensivetheory.Id. A personis justified in using deadlyforce againstanotherwhen and to the to degreethe personreasonablybelievesthe deadlyforce is immediatelynecessary prevent the other's imminent commissionof sexual assault.Tex. Penal Code g 9.32(a)(2XB)(West 2011).In resolvingthe sufficiency-of-the-evidence issue,we look not to whetherthe Statepresentedevidencethat refuted appellant'sself- defensetestimony,but ratherwe determinewhetherafter viewing all the evidence in the light most favorableto the prosecutioo,ffiy rational trier of fact would have found the essentialelementsof murder beyonda reasonabledoubt and also would have found againstappellanton the self-defenseissuebeyon.da reasonabledoubt. SeeSaxtonv. State,804 S.W.2d 910,914 (Tex. Crim. App. 1991);Hernandezv. State,309S.W.3d661, 665 (Tex. App.-Houston [14th Diist.]2010,pet. ref d). with the physicalevidenceat the Defensiveevidencethat is merelyconsistent scene will not render the State's evidence insufficient rsincethe credibility determinationof suchevidenceis solelywithin the jury's provinceandthe jury is freeto acceptor rejectthe defensiveevidence.Saxton,804 S.'W.2dat914. Appellant arguesit was unreasonablefor the jury to have rejectedhis claim of self-defensebecausehe had no motive to kill the cormplainant. Appellant contendsthat the only reasonhe struck the complainantwitlh the hammerwas in self-defense.The jury also heard evidencethat appellantretrievedthe hammer from his co-worker'struck and placed it on the bed in the motel room. The complainantwas struck in the back of the head, which is inconsistentwith appellant's testimony that the complainant approachedhim from behind. Moreover, the physical evidencerevealedblood spatteron the complainant's headboard,but not on the bed in which appellanthad beensleeping.The bedding was still on appellant'sbed,but had beenremovedfrom the complainant'sbed and placedin the bathtub. in the evidenceandthe witnesses'testimony Any allegedinconsistencies SeeLanconv. State, concernthe credibilityandweightto be giventheir testimony,, 253 S.W.3d 699,705-07(Tex.Crim. App. 2008).To the extentthe testimonyis inconsistent,thejury, asthe trier of fact, had the ultimateauthLority to determine the credibilityof witnessesandthe weightto be givento their testimony.SeeTex. (Tex.Crim.;Garciav.State,919S.W.2d370,,382n.6 in the evidenceshouldbe resolvedin favor of the App. 1996).Any inconsistencies jury's verdictin a sufficiencyreview.Morenov. State,755S.W.2d866,867 (Tex. Crim.App. 1988);Draperv. State,335S.W.3d 412,415(Te>r. App.-Houston [14thDist.] 2}tl,pet. refld). Consideringall of the evidencein the light rrlostfavorableto the verdict, we conclude the evidence is sufficient to support rtlrejury's implicit rejection of, appellant'sclaim of self-defenr..Wr ovemrleappellant'ssecondissue. Having overruledall of appellant'schallengeson appeal,we affirm the trial court'sjudgment. lsl KemfihompsonFrost ChiefJlustice Panelconsistsof Chief JusticeFrost and JusticesC[ristopher andDonovan. Do Not Publish- Tex. R. App. P. 47.2(b). 10