DocketNumber: WR-49,474-05
Filed Date: 11/30/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
mm -0.: November 221 2015 L’xCA ) \ , Valentin Moreno, Jr. 788216, Robertson Unit Abel Acosta, Clerk 12071 FM 3522 GJni.oECtmun£.Agg§ds . Abilene, Texas 79601 P.O. Box 12308 `` chpitoal station Austin, Texas 787ll Re: Writ No. 49/474-05; Ex parte Valentin Moreno, Jr. Dear Mr. Acosta: Enclosed you will find Applicant's Amendments To Application For Writ Of Habeas Corpus with Appendix - A. All to be filed in the above mentioned cause and brought to the attention of the Court, as time permits. Also enclosed, is a self-addressed envelope with postage pre-paid. Can you please send me a stampted filed copy of this cover letter, for my records. May you and your staff have a Blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for your time, attention and assistance. Respectfully, MW%;Z/_/ d 2 . RECEIVEDIN / /L%L¢WQ COURT oF cliN/\LAPPEALS ND‘J 30 2015 cc: file `` Abe' Acggta. C|Srk IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN/ TEXAS Ex parte § Valentin Moreno, Jr. § Writ No. 49,474-05 Applicant § APPLICANT'S AMENDMENTS TO APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS OORPUS TO THE MOST HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: COMES NOW, Valentin Moreno, Jr., Applicant, Pro Se in the above referenced Case and respectfully files, Applicant's Amendments To Application For Writ of Habeas Corpus. In support thereof, Applicant would present the following: I. JURISDICTION This most Honorable Court poses exclusive habeas corpus jurisdiction over the parties and subject-matter/ herein, pursuant to Chapter ll in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Ann. (Vernon 2015). II. STATEMENT OF CURRENT FACTS l. Applicant filed a successive writ of habeas corpus application, on June 151 2015. Challenging a jury's verdict of guilty for Capital Murder. 2. The Attorney representing the State, filed the State's Original Response and Answer, on July 8, 2015. 3. The Trial Court adopted the State's proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Recommendation and Order, on July 20, 2015. 4. Applicant's successive application, was presented to this Honorable Court, on September 22, 2015. 5. Applicant filed, Applicant's Motion For Leave And To Stop Writ of Habeas Corpus Review. This Honorable Court granted said motion, on November 51 2015, granting Applicant (30) days to amend his application. Page l. III. AMENDMENTS Attached hereto, is an actual application for writ of habeas corpus form/ with Applicant's Ammendments. Applicant reasserts all claims asserted within the original application. Applicant has amended Ground Number One (A) and (C), and added Ground Number Five. Pursuant to what is already argued in Ground Number One (A), Applicant has added, a claim that he has presented credible scientific evidence, that oxdladdis the scientific evidence relied on by the State at his trial. Said claim, submitted under the provisions set forth by new Article ll.O73(a)(2) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [See; Appendix - A, attached hereto.] Additionally, Pursuant to Ground Number One (C), Applicant has added a claim/ alleging the prosecution team influenced and tainted witness Yvonne Gonzales' in- court-identification of the applicant, with prejudicially suggestive feedback and' post event information. Finally, Applicant has added Ground Number Five, submitting an independant claim under Article ll.O73 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Therein, the Applicant alleges, that he has presented credible scientific evidence, that "contradicts the scientific evidence relied on by the State at his trial". IV. Based on these amendments/ Applicant respectfully requests for an evidentiary hearing. PRAYER WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant respectfully prays that this honorable Court grant, any and all relief deemed proper and just. Signed on this ;Q§Q{day of 440/@n44§@/ , 2015. Respectfully Submitted/ Valentin Moreno, Jr., 788216 Applicant - Pro Se Robertson Unit 12071 FM 3522 Abilene, Texas 79601 Page 2. VERIFICATION y I, Valentin Moreno, Jr., hereby verify, that the contents and statements made herein are true and correct, and offered in good faith/ and made under the penalty of perjury. Signed on thisgid day of M¢g£& / 2015 Q/ Valentin Moreno, Jr. Applicant - Pro Se CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Valentin Moreno, Jr., hereby certify, that the original copy of Applicant's Amendments To Application For Writ Of Habeas Corpus with Appendix, was sent by U.S. certified mail, to the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. Additionally, notice of said filing, was sent to the attorney representing the State, via lst Class U.S. mail. Done On this & 0/ day of éédg/»ég/ , 2015. Q/éé,/_/g;%%& Valentin Moreno, Jr. Page 3. APPENDIx_-_A [Appendix - A, Is An Application Form For A Writ Of Habeas Corpus, Applicant's Amendments To His Application Are Found Therein.] Ca``s"e No (.The Clerk ofthe convicting court will f' 11 this line m ) 1111 1111:<:01)111~ GFCRIMNALAPP§ALSOF TEXA§ APPLICATION FOR A W.Rl"l`` OF HABEAS CORPUS SEEKING RELIEF FROM FINAL FELONY CONVIC'I``ION _UNDE€R CODF»;. OF C_RI’VIIN.AL PROC:EDURE§ ARTICLE ll~l 07 NAME Valentin Moreno, Jr. DATE oF B,IRT_H:' JulY 19' 1976 RLAC.E'O'F CONFINEMENT:; French M. Robertso_n Unit 11)<:;1‘-1:11) NUM§ER=» .....W.__.... 4§»111'):§1)11111:11 ~ (I). Thi§:;appliea``tidn<.con'cerns"(check all that apply):- Ki a eunvi¢:tibn; .C] parole t\ a s¢n,tévee' 1:1 mandatoryZ'siu;;e::vs``si``dn 1 EI time»:creditl El vout``-,dfét'i``me appeal 01", petition .for`` discretionary/review- (2)_ What district c``oiirt entered the judgment "0f the conviction you Want relief frdm?_ ' (_Include the court number and county. ) 332nd District Court, County of Hidalgo (3) Wh``at W'_``aS the caséflix'mib"'e``r in the``:tr"ialycolil‘t? CR-0517-96-F (4) What:\yas the name'>'o'f"the trial j``u_dge? Mario E. Ramirez, Jr. Hfiec'tiv¢; Januan) 11.1120141 1 lRev; 011/1 4/1121j (s): wereyi»iu represented'.by:_couns¢i? If/yes,pwvide_¢’v‘e_.aumey»"s;nme: Ricard B. Gould and Norman E. McInniS (;.6); What was'~the detectth fhe"jludgmenf-was enterei_i“?l- March 31 1996 (.'z). Fo'r: what affevs~e:;wer:e;you convicted add_.wha::wa's cna sentenc1?1 1 Capital Murder - Capital Life'Sentence ``(.8).1E iit-you were senten;ced.:on more:than 01111111111111' of¢an .ind``ic;tm§nt:i``n the,same court atf ~the. sameftime,_ what.~counts'were;you convicted of.andawhat--was the sentenee?ih~each_ .¢011'!1’1¢,?1 `` § N/A ('~9)' Whja't was1thé plea you entered?`` (Che¢l'irney'§ namer `` ’ `` ‘ Mark_NAlexander _, _ (Dj Wha``t:was thedecis'i``on and the'~date pf;the.dg¢i:sion»?j » Af_f§m€d ~Did 1011 file a'»peffifion~for discretionaryrre§iew‘i'né'the_ Com>o_f Criminal;-Appeag$?; @ Y``¢~s 13 nfl '1``f,,y,c»11v did tire a petition far discretionin 'réviéw',¢``.answer the:fonm§ving questions:, (A,')» What-was‘fh.e1~case number?- ; N/A "(Bj 'What,'was ihe,1d'é'cisi_ozi and``:thj@qa_cjej ufthe.i‘decision"?' ~ refused ``Hav'e yo'\'j previously filed an application for a writ of habeas corpus ``undér`` chlé 11.0.7 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure challenging this convcctwn" ``l, yes ljs .n"o» lf yca answered yes§ answé``i'=~thé fallowing q,uestions:: ('A‘-) What was .t``he Coqrjt``ofi.Cr'iminal Appe'als’ writ number? »WR:QMZQ;QL__ 3 Rev. 01/"'14-/~14 (’15)1 §(16) (B)`` ‘What:was>the decision and.;t"hé;.:da``te, df:the;d_'ecisi'¢")'n?; Dismissed '(``C.), P.leasefi``d¢niify:fh§ reason that the current claimsi‘we.r,e nqt.;_pres'§nted and could ’.not have been presented on your previous;~application.- Note: The foregoing application1 is only an amended version of an application already before this Court. On 11/05/15/ this Court granted (30) days to amend the application. Do you currently have any petltmn ori appeal pending m any other state erl federal court? 251 §yes 'L';l= '_no. 'If‘yi)u:answeredjyes, please@:proyid"ef``t_hej_nam'e_j of;the“ court and thei~',ic__``as'einu'nilier; As stated above, there is currently an application before this Court. ‘I"f"y'ou are presenting a'* claim fortinie*credit, "hav.el,.yo[uéx_h``austed.*yeur g administrative remedies by presenting your"cl'aim to the time credit resolutlon`` system of the Te"Xas Departm'ent of Criminal Justice? _(Th``_is requirement applies to any final felony convictibn, mcludmg state jail felonies) l:l yes El ``n‘o» lf you answered yes',``-,answer.~ the.;fo_ll``()\ying questions': SUPPORTING.-GR{?)UND.“TWQ=i APPLICANT'S CLAIMS ASSERTED WITHIN THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION/ ARE BASED ON THE NEWLY DISCOVERED AND NEWLY OBTAINED EVIDENCE PRESENTED, THEREIN. Ré.v.-. 0,1./ 114/154 R``e_v. 01 ``/1'4/14,v .GR<)UND'THREES. APPLlCANT REASSERTS HIS CLAIMS ASSERTED W;THIN ORIGINAL APPEICATION NO. 49/474-05 'FACT.,SI;SUPBORTING GROUND THREE HEREIN/ APPLICANT WOULD ADD THE AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED WITHIN THIS PLEADING. =l,``Of Re_v-. 01/'14/``.14.- 111 Re,``v.» OKI-/fl 4/:1'4 -GRo.UN"o EQUR~;§ 'APPLLCANT REAS$E§TS HIS CLAIMS AS$ERTED_wITH;N,QRIGINALHAPPLICAjlpm NO, 49 / 474-05 ,FACTSzsUPPORTING:GROUNI) FOU;R,:: . HEREIN, APPL,ICANT WOULD ADD THE AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED WITHIN: THIS PLEADING. '12_\ Rev. 01/..1;,4/14y .1?3 Rev.~Ol)./'l 4./1*4 GROUNI) FIVE APPLICANT IS INNOCENT AND THIS CONVICTION IS THE RESULT OF CONSTITUTIONAL_ WvIOLATioNS: APPLicANT INVQKES A cLAIM UNDER THE PROVISIONS IN ARTICLE 11.073 TEXAS coDE OF cRIMINAL PROCEDURE FACTS#::$UPPORTINGGROUND= THE ESSENCE OF THE FOREGOING CLAIMS, ARE SUBMITTED UNDER ARTICLE 11.073 (A) THE STATE ELICITED, PRESENTED AND RELIED ON THE SCIENTIFIC TESTIMONY OF DR. A.J. ALAMIA/ SPECIFICALLY, THAT "THE HUMAN MEMORY FUNCTIONS LIKE A CAMERA IN TRAUMATIC EVENTS{ l"I‘AK]ING SNAPSHOTS``THATH STAY INGRAINED IN THE MEMORY'." PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 11.073/ APPLICANT CONTENDS THE FOLLOWING SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, "CONTRADICTS THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THE STATE RELIED ON AT HIS TRIAL". FIRST/ ACCORDING TO THE INNOCENCE PROJECT/ "THE BIGGEST LIE OF THE HUMAN MEMORY IS THAT IT FEELS TRUE. ALTHOUGH OUR RECOLLECTION SEEM LIKE…LITERAL SNAPSHOTS OF THE PAST/ THEY' RE ACTUALLY DEEPLY FLAWED RECONSTRUCTIONS, A SET OF STORIES CONSTANTLY UNDERGOING REWRITES." [l] SeCOnd, ALSO ACCORDING TO THE INNOCENCE PROJECT, IN 75 PERCENT OF DNA EXONERATION CASES,.THE PRINCIPLE CAUSE FOR THE ERRONEOUS GUILTY VERDICT, WAS"MISTAKEN EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATIONS'. ALMOST ALL THOSE'CASES, INVOLVED A TRAUMATIC CRIME (EVENT). {2} Third, ACCORDING TO NEUROSCIENCE PROFESSOR DR. JULIAN P.-KEENAN/ "IT IS'NOW WIDELY ACCEPTED THAT OUR MEMORIES/ THOUGHTS, EXPEIRENCES AND FACTS ARE NOT SNAPSHOTS OF THE PAST IN WHICH EVERY DETAIL IS PERSERVED". [3] FOUrth/ ACCORDING TO PIONEER PSYCOLOGISTS IN THIS PARTICULAR AREA OF SCIENCE: DR. DANIEL L. SCHACTER AND ELIZABETH F. LOFTUS. THE HUMAN MEMORY DOES NOT FUNCTION LIKE.A VIDEO RECO§DER AND/OR CAMERA. [4] Fifth, PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR DR. JAMES ALDRIDGE/ HAS TAUGHT ADVANCE COURSES ON THE HUMAN MEMORY FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS. ACCORDING TO DR. ALDRIDGE, "THE HUMAN MEMORY DOES NOT FUNCTION LIKE A CAMERA IN TRAUMATIC EVENTS":“ADDITIONALLY, DR. ALDRIDGE REVIEWED THE SCIENTIFIC TESTIMONY GIVEN AT APPLICANT'S TRIAL BY DR. A.J. ALAMIA, coNcLUDING, THE SCIENTIFIC TESTIMONY WAS MISLEADING AND INCORRECT. [5] Sixth, THE NEW JERSEY SUPREME cOURT, IN 1€4 Re\'::. 01/'1"4/1»4 vSTATE V. HENDERSON/ 208 N. J. 2081 REVIEWED ALOT OF RESEACH ON THIS SUBJECT AND THE TESTIMONIES OF NUMEROUS EXPERTS IN THESE RELATED FEILDS OF SCIENCE. CONCLUDING, THAT THE HUMAN MEMORY DOES NOT WORK LIKE A RECORDER/CAMERA. [6] BASED ON THE SCIENTIFIC RELATED EVIDENCE PRESENTED HEREIN, APPLICANT C %@/£"9/~ @/_//_1/7! _ /¢w/ /W v J§Ozz_,_ . ,AM€ z ':@/ % 'I``el``eph``,one-:`` . 'Il:ax.: .. , signed an /)¢/Me/ £.,2 ,__20 /5‘/. WMVQ( :,»Sf'.ignat:l;r¢. ofil??f:r``ji'ti'ozléf» 185 'Rev,...\oi;_/14/JI,4\»