DocketNumber: O-4144
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AI-I-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable I?. L. Washburn County Auditor Harrle county Houston, Texas Dear Sirs n of the county 8 which are lthln the Acta ure, page 759, led a8 Sections Juvenile Board duly appointed "In a list aubmlttsd to me for approvals vere the salaries of three assistant probation . Honorable H. L. Washburn, Page 2 . for under a subdivision of Seotion 19, Chspter 465, as amended. .The aeoond two positions, as depsrtment heads, are not provided by Artlole ~3902 in the emount of salary requested, but are so provided by Chapter 465, as amended. Yfhe question arises in detemlnlhg the oorreot a&arias which may be paid to.aaaiatsnta to the ohief probstlon oirioar In Hsrrls County. la Artlole 3902, as it now exists., the yardatiok by which asld salaries are to be measured? Or, may the provisions of Chapter 465, relating to deputies and aaslatsnta, be Used as the basis or determining salaries to be paid to pro- bstion offioera? n* * *’. We have a similar situation with reapeot to Artiole 669Qb, Vernon* a.Anuotated Ten-is Statutes, Page 120, Pocket Part, conoerning the salaries of county trarrio orrlaera. As will be observed from Seotion 2, the’salarlea of suoh deputies ahall be the asam as those rixed in Artiole~3902. Thla aot was gassed at the.~Regular Session of the Torty-fourth Legislature, 1985, at Page 711. *In approving r0r paywent wsrrsnts Issued for the salaries OS assistants to the juvenile offloer ana highway him0 orficera, am I to be governed aa to the maximum by the provisions of Artiole 3902, or by the provisions of Chapter 465 as contended by the ,. ..*,,``..~I’I..,~;~ offlolala presenting such pay rolls and wsrranta for my approval?” Artiole 5142a, Yectlon 1, Vernon*a Annotated Civil Statutes, provides: “Seotion 1. Provided that in oountiea having a population 0r more than three hundred and fifty thoussnd (350,000) ‘inhabitants aoooraing to the last preaeding or any future Federal Census the County Juvenile Board shall appoint a juvenile offloer for a term of two (2) years at a salary not to exceed X’ive Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per aunum, to be fixed by the County Juvenile Board aubjeot to the approval of the Commlasionera Court to be paid monthly by the county, whose extra duties will’be to make lnvesti- gations for the Comlaaiouera Court on applioationa for oharlty or admiaaion into- detention homes or or- phan homes created by such counties. Suoh juvenile orfioer may seleot assistant juvenile officers aub- jue3t~. .,. .,i : --., ~:- `` ~C ,..~, ,. . ., .~” ..._~ , Honorable H. L. Washburn, Page 3 aubjeot to the spproval of auoh Baard, the number of auoh assistants to be determined by the Juvenile Board aubjeot to the approval of the Conunlaalonera court. The salaries of auoh assistants shall be the asme as that fixed in Article 3902 of the Revised Civil Statutea.of Texss, of 1925, and as amended for sasistsnta to other offloials, exbept that the head of a department need,not have before served for any psrtloulsr period’ of tlma; efflolen~y‘belng oallea for in auoh counties. Suoh juvenile ofrloera may be allowed expenses not to exceed Two Hunarea Dollars ($200) a year each.” Article 3912e, Seotion 19, Subdivision (h), Vernon*8 Annotated Clvll Statutes, in pert, provides: R(h) Whenever any district or county. off her, or precinot offioer when such officer Is oompensatea on (I salary basis, with the exception of district attorneys and oriminsl dlstriat attorneys, shall re- qulre the aervioea of, deputies assistants, and em- ployees In the performsnoe of his’~dutlea he shall ap- ply to tha Coaaniaaionera* Court for authority to.ap- point auoh deputies, assistants, and employees, stst- ing by sworn application the number needed, the poal- tion to be250 S.W. 159 , that where an sot Is amended as to only one aeotion, the original provisions appearing in the amended act are to be regarded as hsvlng been the law alnoe they were first enacted, wblle the new provisions are to be construed as having been enacted at the time the amendment took effect. Also, It was held that when new provisions are introduced into a statute by amendment, the amended act and all its seations, new and old, must be construed as a harmonious whole. : I’. It will be noted that Artlole 5142a, auprs, provides ,. that the aslsriea of such assistants shall be the same as that ~rlxed in Article 3902 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texsa, ;. of 1925, and as smended for assistants to other ottioials, ex- oept that th he a f a department need not ha before served for any psrt~oul%~erioa of time. This langulie we think is olear and unambiguous and can refer only to the general law on the same subjeot found in Article 5912e; Seotion’lS, gubdlvl- aion (h) and its subsequent amendment, which with Artiole 3902 roundre-enaoted and set forth under Se6tlon 14 0s said Law, is applioable to all salaried counties. ‘.’ We note that you mentlon”Artlole 66SSb ~Ver&n~a A& ‘-“‘_‘-‘. notated civil Statutes, relating to oounty tFarri0 officers. We oall your attention to the oaae of Anderson, County Judge, et al, vs. Wood, Sheriff, 152 s. W. d) 1064, wherein the .~. ./Supreme Court strikes down this sta as unoonstittititinsl.’ . It this beoomes necessary that this opinion deal with those oounty treSSlo offioers whose appointments are authorized un- der the provisions of Article 6699, as amended, Aots of 1937, 45th Legislature, Page 438, Chapter 225. Artlole 6699 Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, re- lating to oounty trafrio orrioers, provides: “The Commissioners Court of each oounty, aotlng in oonjunotion with the Sheriff, may employ not more than ‘two (2) regular deputies, nor more than two (2) addl- tlonel deputlea-for apeoial emergenoy to aid said reg- ular deputies,. to be +wn as oounty trsfflo offloera Honorable H. L. Washburn, Page 7 to enforoe the highway laws of this State regulating the use of the publio highway by motor vehicles. Said deputies shell be, whenever prsotioable, motor- oyoles riders, and shall be assigned ~to work under the direction of the Sheriff. They shall give bond and take oath of offloe as other deputies. They may be dismissed fran servloe on request & the Sheriff whenever approved by the Commissioners Court, or by aaid Court on its own initiative, whenever their aer- vices are no longer needed or have not been satla- faotory. The Coaanissionera Court shall fix theirs .oompenaation prior to their aelection; end may pro- vide at the expense of the oounty, necessary equip- ment for da otrloera. The pey of said deputies shall not be lnoluaed in the settlements of the Sher- iff in aooounting for the ~teea or orr:ice. For the purpose of thla law, the Comnlssloners Court of ooun- ties whose funds from the motor registration fees rovlded herein amount to Thirty Thousand Dollars ... .s $30,000) or over, may use not exceeding rive (5) per cent of a&d tunas; ‘and not to exoeed~ seven and one-half [7*) per oent of such funds In oountlea re- oelving a lesser amount from ardh registration. Said deputies shall at all times oooperate with the po- lioe department of each olty or town within the oounty, In the enforaement Of aald traffio laws therein and in all other parts of the oaunty; and shall have the same right and duty to arrest violators of all laws as other Deputy Sheriffs have.= ‘\ The’foregoing statute ‘makes no referenoe to Artiole ‘*’ 3902 or its aubjeot as a general law Siting salaries for aaaiet- ants to other oounty orflolala. It expressly provides that the pay of suoh deputies Shall not be inoluded lnthe settlements of the Sheriff in aooounting for the rees of offloe and that for the purpose of the law, the Commissioners’ Courts of ooun- ties whose runas from the motor registration fees amount to Thirty Thousand Dollars ($SO,OOO.OO) or over, may use not ex- oeeaing. five (5) per oent or said funds; and not to exoeea seven and one-half (7+) per oent of suoh funds In oounties re- oelving a lesser amount from such registration. Suoh provl- alon fixes the fund and maximum expenditures for the pupurpose which of course inoludea the salaries of the officers named therein. As provided in the Aot, such oifioers’ salaries are to ba fixed by the Commissioners ( Court prior to their aelec- tion. .-.- Anawerlng your request,. it is therefore the opinion of this department that the salaries of authorleed assistant Honorable H. L. Washburn, Page 8 juvenile ol'fioers of Barria County are detenained by Artlole 3912e, Section 19, Subdivision'(h), Vernon's Annotate6 Civil Statutes, rhioh latter provision is to be construed as a part of the general law, Artiole 3902, Revised Civil Statutes, as amended therein. As to the Waffle deputies authorized by Article 6699, Vernon98 Annotated Civil Statute&, it is'furthei the opinion o? this department that the order of the Commlsslonera~ Court Six- ing their salaries within the limitation of funds therein pro- vided, entered prior to their seleotion, will govern the county auditor in approving warrants for payment of their salaries. Youreivery truly APPROVED DEC.31, 1941 ATTORNEZGENXRALOF TEXAS /s/ Grover Sellers BY ,' PIRST ASSISTlUJT /s/m* LsA*K.w& ATTORNBYGBNBRU WJRK:RS APPROVEDOPINIONCOBMITTBR BY B.W.B. CHAIRMAR