DocketNumber: O-4102
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
>’ ‘\ (. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN IionorabloGoorgoH. shoppard gggol~xe? Pub110Aaoountl , Dear sir: mnanl~," for the 8ovonteendays of Judge oerulor . "A better expletion of this might be had hoiu a letter +ldreased to thle department by Judge Conner Deoember 5. I am attaehlng hfs lot- t&r h&eto.’ . m0 r6m wJ3 ohich tbn 0zeip 0f adge co~lnerIS baas- ad two 8ot out In t&o folloWzigportionof his lettw to you cf Deoembor5, lg41, lihlohyou have aubmlttcd to UIII *. . . . Work J*o Culwr rotvrnod, I roat owes 01th hlnthopondingm8ttoreandturncdowrtohlm grQundssot r0e.h had to do allegedBLleoora- duut of the jfp~. Thla prolIontod 8 awv upout oftheeauetionejud@oouldhearltarvell 68 MOthor. EUUh 5SttOPS WFO 1Oett With &Ld@ Culver and X did IPO further *ark 00 tJmm. But he did mt we t0 pass a~ ~otlona rw SW ta.z~, nb0tiw rw j-t, mti05a fw jagma IIOP obetantavwdlato, eta., o to de8ldaoaeoe op briefs whem I lad kowd the ultnmsns mad the or~lo?~ac~n~. There VW Qno Qaso, the trial of vhloh boforo mo conwwd an cntIro wok, the ovldoncobolng aqpletod four &yv before Judge Cvzwr’t rotuvn. Yf lmW’rn lRpwt8at 68w aad the low ro4#aort6apamlrlllcpto rile vr1ttanIF -- tlaa vlth ``~Y*``;2~ i%clrkod wwn#on days 8stor Jut&6 calwr’s Toturn* I rtlll ha80 SQU) stotovontoof fact to 8ppmw* s6mefsnaags oi fnot and oQtmlwlQns 0s l8v to f&10, 8d 8c4m i!cirma ordalw to oator ia @mm! uhlch I trlod,but I de nQt intotad to proronturj rlwthw Q&llB al that 8amant, e&nco I can handlo euch mattoW lag -0 tlmo.* BasodupQ.nthofa6tlJOoa~lnyO~let~ ofmo- ember 8th aad tho above qwtcd ~tfon of &a* Connorsletter of Deoomberfjth,~ you hrro roqaostedthat thle dopart-nt advlro you vhothcror nf3tyou cro authorlrrod to iwuo varmattoJ~e banor fop the eowntoon d8p1 of sorvlcaporSormedmbsequont to the roturn oP the rogvlardlstlpictjudge of the 17th Mstrlat court. Artlole6821 or VeraonarReole%dCivil Statutesof Toxca provider8a Pollwar Bono-ble George 8. Sheppard, page 3 "The &lad** di rpeeieljudgescomiraioned by the Governor in obediezme to Sectlcn 11, A&l&e 5, of the Constitution, or elected by the practio- ing lavyera or egroed upon by tho panties a@ provld-, ed by lav,~.``shallbe detemlned and pald 8~ follouar ‘1. ~JSeah spoolal /u&w &all raceioe the emw oacupiab ln ,$m~ those ommfreionod by. the 00 colw the ‘tama pay ai, dirtriot judge8 for srery duy they may be necerca~llyoccupied In going to and retucnug frcua the plaoe yhoro they may be requlr- od. to ho+3 oourtr .~ a. . l A . Y&u uLl1 note &et. Soct1o.n 1 of Artiale 6521, above rst forth,~ provLdes .thst, a ~+@eclel judge &all receive oompsn- ;,a&ion ‘for every dag that he may be oooupied In perfoaUng ths~dutlor Of :/edge. We cbnot .believe that the Legiclatnre ln~encotlng thlw, .ArCiole intended that ‘6 speoial judge should -only reaofvo orrPtpenaationfar serv~ose periopmd doping tho ab- conce of .Y&Orogulw jud&e vhere the wmlcee periormed by,-the epoalal j@ge.- rubrotauont to the rsttrm~ of the regular Judge we nccosrary end jpopw In the orderly di*ppeition of aatteri * pr hm duriag the abasnw 02 the rogylasr fudge. we’do’,not .thlnk the r&W.ot a wgialw judge,vLlZ have the leg8l efteat ‘Tiqoust jtPlsdlct*t+t of the epealul juIge .to aomj2ete the .trlal .'-Or the OCFO In vhiah.he%I!then engaged,or dlveet.hia~of.:ati- thorlty to hoar ,~tiZons, cw to do r.wh other thing@ as. are’.lp~o- ‘eila8ry. to make~ox?darly,diaporFtloh of the mattore pfiieh haie I:~‘?. ‘:b@oo tlndertake~%y~him. Jchdon v. Bueaey, (‘3~. Agp.,.~oxar~) wit refwed, .95 9, N, {2d) 990. Aa we underslxnd the faata prerertted by you the *or- tlaos, performed by Judge Conner, the. epeaial judge, subeaqwmt to the wtum of. the rogula~ judge and for vhlch he ponsatloa vere paacing on u&ions for neu tPlb1, motions Per ju@mnt, motloba foe judgment non obstaace verdicto, hearing oral arguments, studyfng smitten briefs aud ergunent?, approving statements of fmt end filing findlngs oi fact and concluslone OS lau in cases heard by him during the absence of the Fagt1l8r diatrlixt judge. . i . . l’ . Qeorge H. Sheppard,page 4 The law 18 we31 settledin this St&e that a regular WWJ and a mpecl+ljudgsAoaph@d uourt at the uame t+e. Xhd- rlll v. Jeaklna, 40 S.Y. (al) 961; Nlagma Ineurmns Co. v. Idim, 73 Tex, 641, 3l 8.w. 1024 BedfoM, et al. v. Stone,43 Ter. Clr. App..200,95 S.Y. 1066J EmUX.r. ~M&P~,73 Tex. 150
, ll S.Y. l2lf ~llvor v. state, 70 Pox. crlw Rap. 140,159 S.W. 235
. It is a244 4ettl4dia thlr 8tat4 that uhlle a specialfudge Is hearingthe 4ase he va8 el4atodto to try the regularjudge oaa owtlnae to try other oaeea oa the d-et. HamlltanY. State, 74 Tex. CrsJu,Rep. 219, 168 S.Y. 536. Vnder the raotr here pnaaated the aeroloerpeviomad bxthe sp6aUl judge wbmqxoattd Wmrsttwaoftlaem@ax’ jadg4 w4n La 04maeotloawith oa*e* pretrented to him duriag the E*hzz t$e~gular j-e ln ubloh all or the erideaae had Under there raute we do not belleve aouldba r#w~osrsbiyaontended that Ure&ular judgeoould properlypro6eedwltlrttmu&tlmatediupoaitlonof the aame in. pa~8f3t.g ~g0n mti0m f0r mv tad, mu- r0r jadeppsat, eta., uhleh altlamtedlmpo8ltlonvoald luaewarlly etall a kzkouledge faith4radaaad alrouMtaae4r kaowloalyto the rpoeialju@a. Themime to holdthat JurlmUatioaofthe rpeoialjudgocemml regardUse of th4 olroumdaaoe~ qua return of the regularjudge uoadd not kqly reaalt la 0aUueloa. bat alra iajwtlee. lb alw tb4nfon or tb4 4plaioxiaadyou are a0 advilled ~thatth4 8emloee pertomed by Jadga Coaae~ am outllwd la the porti0n0f h-h letter 0r ltk3ue St 1941, abeve ~Pated.wore newamry mad proper serwbea to be perrarmedby hla mab~wat t0 the rotura 0r the regularjudge aad tbst dariag twh t2me he warn%wupkd la roepinethe dnu4e or judg``,~ ulthla the pur- vlmr of hlu414 6.v1, and am euithuould be entitledto ocuupma- uab r0r ev4ry day - - that he vaa oaeupud in wrrw iuch see ricer. This 4l#aloa,hol?e~er, 1s natrist4d to the racmal rltuatlonpFe4stltmIby thelettsrs puMedh4rsin.