Txm ATTO~Y GENERNL OF %YExAs AUSTIN II.TEXAS Honorable George~Ii.Sheppard Comptrollerof Public Accounts Austin, Texas Bear Sir: Opinion No. 0-4188 Re: Taxability of the business of maklng core analysis and various fluid tests .ln all and gas wells under the oil well servioing tax statute. This is in reply togDur request for our opinion as to taxabilityunder Section I of Article 16, H.B. No. 8, Aets of the 47th of certain oll'well serglces performed by Core Laboratories, zYatures . Th&partPcular ser+lces about whioh you inquire are describedby yotias followst 7 "A part of said s&ices'consists ~ofthe workof the company in.analyzing.co~estaken from 011 wells., Core Laboratodes; Ino.* does not take the coreSfrom the wells, but the cores ax delivered to it. +lsthe core 1s removed froti,,tgewell by the operator or~contract+ engaged in drilling the well, the core is delivered to Core Laboratories,,Inc. An analysisof the substancesthetiof,ismade by Core Laboratoriesln its Iaboratories,which analysis is furnished,tothe client; Core LaboFatorles,Inc., '~ ln connectionwith this.'work does~not make sny survey or test In any oil or gas well. “A,Portion of &he Berviaes~ relates Co,the analysis of bottom-h&i fltiids,and in this servlke Core Laboratories,Inc., lowers it8 oontainer into the well and obtalna a sample'k&tha'f~uids'akd gaSes from the bottom of the well, which sample does not con- tain sand or earth. The sample contained in the con- tainer Is t&en to Core LaboratbrlestDallas Lk%boratory and analyzed. The analysis determines the properties of the gas and fluid content. It does not suryey, test or analyze the sand or formation of the earth in any 011 or gas well. "A portion of the servleresconsists 3.nthe taking by this company of a bottKim-tilePressuIW test. Honorable George A. SheppaPd, Page 2 o-4188 By means of a gauge lowered into tha well the pres- sure of the fluid at the bottom of the weil is determlned. ._ _ . The._pressure is l+ew+e tested-. at.. otnar poznte zn tne well m oraer co correlate cne bottom-holepressure test above described. The only purpose of this test Is to determine by the pressure gauge the preseure exerted at the bottom of the well by the column of fluid ln the well. "Iv. “A portion of the services relates to a test m&de by Core Laboratories,Inc., by means of placing an instrument In the bottom of the hole of the wall to record decreases lr,the pressure at the bottom of the well occasionedby the flow of 011. The amount of 011 which is produced during this ln- terval is measurea and Its ratio to the decline ln the bottom-holepressure Is known as the productivity tidex of the well. No test or survey of sands or formation of the earth in sny o$!lor gas well is made In this test." It Is out opinion that'all four of the services outlined above come wlthln the Intended scope of .theAct. we quote .irqm.Subsectlon (b) of Section 1 of Artlc.le16, House Bill No. 8, and underline that por- tion thereof which we billeve cover8 the aescrkbed services. "(b) Every person @I this State engaged in,the buslnesaaf fumniBhi.ng any servlC@ or perform- ing any 'dutyfor ofhsrs for a OonsMeration or compen- sation, with the use of ~IQKdevice, tools, &Hzumenta or equlpm,ent,eleotrioal,mec$aniaal, or otherwise or by uieansof anychem%aaX, eleottiioal, or mechanlcai process when such aervlce 18 performed in connecfion lth the tlng f tn ng t f 3.1 or. gas %I or ~!?~ho&& or"a``~le``he"f~t"ion~of such wells or the surveylw ortesting of the sands or other formations of the earth in any such ol.1or gas wells." Although Core Laboratories, Inc., may not itself "take the .:ooresfrom the wells' it can hardly byedenied that it ,isUfurnishing . . . service , . . for others for a conaideratlon . . . by means of . . . . . chemical,electrical or mechanical prooess . . . .ln+onnectlonwfth the surveyingor testing of sands or other formations of thecearth . . ....' The analylyeis of samples Is one of the recognized methods of test- the formatlone:lnoil or gas wells. Surely It cannot be oontended that the statutewas Intended to apply only when the analysis ia aotually made in the well, or where the same &ersbn or firm both extracts the aoze and snalyees the same. The services described in paZ%3graphBfI, III and m all relate to tests of the properties of fluids and grs,In wells as distlnguls~ from tests of solid materials found in the wells. The statute expressly enumerates 'the suveylng or testing of the sands or other formations of t@c Ronorable George H. Sheppard, Page 3 o-418a: earth ln any such oil or gas wells." We,belleve th@t this language 1s intended to embrace not only the solid material aCtuall$ composing the sand, but the gas, 011 or water with which the sand may be saturated or other fqrmatlonspermeated. It Is to be remembered that the purpose of drilling oil @nd gas wells is to produce 011 or gas. It would be strange indeed If a statute, patently designed to tsx technlcal'servicescustomarl rendered by persons other than the driller ln connectionwith the efficient completion and operation of ail and gas wells, were construed so as to tax the testing of non-productiveformatlona through which the drill must necessarily pass, and exempt the.testlngof the properties of the very product, I.e., gas and 011, whlah Is sought to be produoed. We therefore are of the opinion that analysis of bottom-holefluids, the testing of pressures at various polnts in the well and ascertainmentof the productivityindex of the well are all services which come within the intended scope of the statute under consideration. Yours very truly .ATTQHNKYQHNERAL OF TEXAS By s/Walter R. Ko& Walter R. Koch Assistant, APPRUVIDJAR 31, 1942 s/ Qrover Sellers FXRST ASSISTANT ATTQRlWQEbiIEBAL Approved Opinion Committee by 8.4C.C.d. Chairman