OFFICE OF THE A?TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable Martelle NoDonald Dlatrlot Attorney Big Spring, Texar Dear Pit: OplnlQn MO. 04l62 Rer I%mnsti your rmquost as follw``r eountloa in t&l8 Rta8e Qourt ln euoh oountiea im hereby au8horltmd to allow qaah Cosmlasbmr and County Tudgr the Itam .0r Fifty Dollar6 ($50) par month ror traveling e~pmmas when bravelfng in the disoharge of h-i@ oftlolsl dutlea." IfanorablekduxtslleLloDonala,Pam 2 Mwtln County, aocrordlagto the laet prsoodlng pe&rel OeMU8 of 1940 has 5,556 Inhabltantm,an4 la the as~lyoaunty in Texa8 ooalng~withln the populattin brwsbta 0r not la88 than 5,500 sna not mm than 5,575 inhabitan$a. Croakett County, aosor4lng to the la88 preceding tederel oennue of 1940 has 2,8W fnhabitento, and is t&e only county~in Teaes oomfng rrltblnthe population tgaoket8 or not 1088 then 2,ga5 srd not mcrrethan 2,900 inhabitants. The que8tioa erleos aa to whether or not thla 18 a loo91 or ape0101 acrt~ sttwkptlng to regulate ,tba affair8 il3ViOlOtiOu Of &tiOlb Of OOlJZltieS 3, 3eOtiOn 56 O? th8 Conrtltu8lon at Taxas. .Ghbr Justloe Nealon, wr1tlrI the opinion af the Couxe of Civil Appeal* in the oeee of,$ :oml v8. k?8rfsBdo- pendea8 Roheol Dlstriot, 123 f;.FT. (2) 4251had the iollaw- lng to my: "I&Jteke judi$lal atit%aethat m other eoun~y la Texa8 har.tho qu8lliloatlonr or area an4 popu- lation 4ema4e4 by the mtetute. . . IO 18 8urtL . olant to nay here thet when we &boltto the prrdti- gal operation of the aot, we are lad to the o~nalu- don that baron& 4oub$ it ww the purpose of tbo hgLdatur* to ~&II& out PreDl4fO County an4 m9ka the lot applloablo to that alo!M. BeXW county t. Tyuan, lZ# ?oz. 223 6. W. 28 467. Yor that reamin the aot 18 set an4 om ~Jslab itiwoe bsyuu.4pcwar ot the lagimlaturs to .lUNt. Vernon'8 Ann. Clri St. Per88 0on8~itutianr m. 3, 8~0. 56; Brwnfiol.6t. Tongrte, Tar. Cit. 109 E. 1c.2& 352; City Of Ft. Worth v. Bob- %? 2.x Con. App., 36 8. W. 26 4703 Wltter Y.; lb: Clr. App., 65 6, if. 24 434f Auatiu Bm38. V. Patton, Ter. Corn.. kpp., 268 3. Y!. 182; mlth 'P. t!tata,120 Tax. Cr. R. 431, 49 2. 8'. 24 739." Phi8 department hd4 in opinion Ro. O-16 that Arti- olea 2372-l and 522lb-23, TcsviredC%Tkl f%atutea Of %X88, 1925, the formar being .applioabh W oountie8 having a POpu- lagion op not le8a than 48,900 an4 n* m*m than 491000, an4 the latter applyi- to oountIe8 with a population Of DO* l*a* aan 48,900, ma not more than ~3,975, en4 oountibr with a Honerabls &dartellsLloDonald,gags 3 popuhtion or not lea8 than 10,370 ana not &0r8 than 10,380, acooralng to the loot pmotrdlng E'8dsraloonau8, wore ~IIOOB- 6ti~utionel end void 80 apocial lern under Footion 56, A&l.. 018 3 ot the '?tote Constitution, oitlng the oe8e of the City oi Fort ':orthve. Sobbitt, 36 '. ':'. 26 470. This depertmmt held In ODiniOn Xo. 0499 that ROUS8 Bill 866 Or ch8 66th L8gfSJlUttUO Or TOJB(I,pTOViahg r0r tr8veling 8xpen888 or souaty c0``4i08~0~r6 or 06imi88 bring a populstlon ot~mt 1888 than 22,100 aad not PCW than 22,500, aooordlng to the last Oreceding H8d8ral 08118~. wa8 unoonetitutloml in that lt was a looal end 8pooial law at- tmptlng to.rogulats ths arfalr8 Or tho OOUU~Y, end r811 wlth- In the prohibition or rootion 56 of &Mole 3 or the coasti- tu6f66 Of TeX8d. Thi8 department held in opinion lo. o-1984 that Rourra Bill 876, 16th Legislature and House Bill 1122, 45th Lqgi6l8tur8, wore unao~tlbutlonal 8aa v0fa in that the 8am vmre looal and TWAIN law8 stt8mptlng to rogulrta the et- faIra of a county rnd fell dthia the p~hlblti~ or !%otlou 56 or Artids 3 or th8 Oonatitutiion or thi8 State. Thora Bill8 applied ouly to ttontgomory County, Terns. Thin aspmtmont ho8 held a large mxber at 8imllar on the (proud8 rbw8 8tma. aat6 to b8 unooll8tltatloll8l iY@b`` MOlOE~g bCIZ8With 06pia8 Of opitiO68 x06. 0?19%5 66d . Th8rMor8, you aro reopeotiull~ advired that it i8 the opinion OS this departwmt th6t Bow6 Bill 7U of the 47th LOgi8li!&ul’8 Of ‘for06 f8 UIiOOm3titUtiOU8~ 66 ViOlatiVO or motion 56 of ~rtiolo 3 of tha Coxmtltubian ot Toxar ia Ohst 66id AOt 6tt8UiDtl.l t0 r6gUlOtO th8 Off8ir8 Oi 6WUti.S by loos1 and sp~olal hW.