OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUlTlN Sfowrmblo0. E. 8lm@tor oowty Attoraoy martla oouaty Stanton, Ton8 voforo trtal it ir 600ia04 to romblm the owe. and try both detasdurta tcqrther rhioh lr ooaourre4 ia by muare ior ao?os4- ant and a am oomplaintl~ laoutod lnol1141~ Eonanblo 0. Il. sloughto?; h&e E both ~oioadazito, rEargod with tha umo of- ?$ LB B~ ~8 ;Olharaod oa tho orlgl~l oom- Itlppanatlq kina the latoatloaet thi WllO. to uao on. or the orlglaal nUbor so rppearlag oa hlo dookot, oaf tb mambo? &lroa to A*o oaoo, lnoludo thio oa tho sow OOP- plaint tlloa to lno ludo laoh 4etoabaat and not lrrlgn a new nuabw aad a now oaw, or llro tha mttor wa6 onrlookod aa4 aa latirol;I now oaoo WI oto&lookod and not dookatoe. At w rat0 the uoo we o~l1.d en4 triad, Mood on tho OOP- piht that in0hd0b both e0r0dhd0 ln4 00 error ma aLoovaro4 00. tho ame. vha laoo was trlod b*r0&0I jury end l vo&tllot o? lullty wao returned@ g a lnolaah t da- iondant to r h io h th edotoatlaato lx o o p toan4 Q gave notloo or appeal to the oouat~ oolwt. “What mambo? oboold tho juuont and t&w- rorlpt oar&r rroa tJmJuotloo*o dookot? The number origla8119 8oolgno4 to *A* oaoo es origi- nally tllod, or should both number8 that we&o @torn to ldratiir tho two ro9arato oa800 OII the dookot bo lnoludod la trJri4 tb UIO ap to tho aouaty oourt rhoro it will bo glvoa 8 now num- kr, dookotob oa tho oouat~ oourt a00k0t ana trio& 40 noto and doobtloor both dotoadaato trio& to thor lo in tho tuotioo’o ooort? woul& th e justr00h wo l logal & l& t to oO?&a0t his dookot raaoo luoh ll&oautaaooo to oornot aa error ati h&w th8 4ookot oonSora to tba naw oosplalatfiled to l110lu60 both 4oion4oatrt 9. .: .* tlade? tha irots 80 rot ?o&th in your lotto&, tho joint oosplalat lxaoutod aad ?lloU &gainrt both of tho do- fo r & h a lo ts, a lo p a r a an6 to (Uotinot oamplalnt ?rc#a tho two oomplalato ?llod qalaot tho dofondants oeparatel9. Such bolag tho ~ABO, tho now Cmm@alnt should bo lro~nod 8 a&v rllo amber, 8ab lhould bo bookotob a8 a now oom9lalat. . . Hohonblo 0. Lt.dlrryhtoti, mgo 8 a 8r ~iip n) to l0rlgr r.rli0 aprb0& t0 thb m ooaplalat was aa ororol~t 00 the part 0s th0 suet100 0s tho Naoo, or s ma&o olrrloal or&o?, and one wh lo hlan bo 00rr0ot0d rith0ut 0~ inJ8r~ to tb ria;ht0 0s th0 aah ants. Too a&o thoroioro rorpaottully 8Qvloo4 that It ia the opinion or this Doputmat the fuotioe that 0s tb POOO, ho the right to oorroot hi. doakot, by ontarIng thorola tha tile numbor of tho joint oomplalat yalmt both of the dofoaUaat8, an8 thnt this IUW ?I10 numbor lhoul& bo oa&&lod oa tho judgment and tranoorlpt on lp - ~1 to the oouutr oourt. Twting t&at this bOti8r00t0rii~ di0p0000 0s you? laqulry, w rewln You&r wry truly ATTORBBY9~ OFTEXAS DBDrau