OFFICE OF Tl-iE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATlORNEI GMER*L llfmorabla But ,gord,Pa60 2 Ii thr ooaree OS par lotoar of raquwt mu . *(u).~‘BopMr*at8ny pornonwho t oath&sod to 8Ol1 l& LOr OthOr 8h WIl ntallar; "4 pIrg# a.atw a8 l@ M t,~8a O? lO8- 1111 iOr th. 8*1r O? Or iOr takb& Or 8OliOit- lq orbarr for tha ula oi any 4uor lrroa- prO$iW Ot Whether 8UOh Mlr %m t0 b made within or witheat thr Stat@ la nqulmd to pmoen as qpnt’8 partit. It lr aot intoad- .. ad Wmt this oh&l apply to ths amp10J'** o? a potrit holdorvho oollo liquorand who rsm1?&8on the liaonoodproriossLa & nr r lwh lolo.' Your lottot fprflulclz disolosorEbt t&so ore IlOdfOt~lo~iO8 in #SO Stot$,u&d iwli&n dlstlllors Mkiog sslso do 80 thX'Oq&h S&Sat8 Or rS~SOOntStiTO8 heldlngcrpordt, rolloltlng btulasso lnthlo8tsts. auah dIstillArmsra not trquimd to &TO a smlt, slnoo they sro not rkinQ the lolro or doing Ii tWinSO fn thi8 8tSt0,thS bU8hOSS bOingintOr- StStO btWuirrr88. &lkdhVitS VO. as18 8hOO %., 5 2 559; John A. Dlokwn Pub, 40, vs. Bryan, 5 2 :: 2 9601 Rokrts ta. J,, P. 001) Ce,, 31 8. 1. II (2) 196 Aszwt~81~ Oerporstlon of X8uQs vs. Oos- utt, i a. w. (2) 693, 17 Thai, Dho holder ef an a&et'8 aslo ma$ OOliOit lE& taka OtiSTO iOr th. 8Oh Oi 1PI @Or trar say of the80 PIMP panrib iWldon, Tha &or ir $0 WZit*Xt, sad wo have lb0autborlt~to oeastmloit dirforsntly, own to weld ?&o~erlU p&Mod twt bf JI~Win %to sb- 8sWllOS @Ed SjP&IliOOtitt& The fmsdy, it on8 io nood- od, -1swith the I44181atur0, and notwlththls dopsrt- maze, nor with pur do ]Ptmont, Tour Beard, or wuroo, r na et ldopt s rsplat ron, hew~vsr dooinbls that would be la HoLstlon of tlm statatsa, but within the ltstuts8 the Bead’s pmoro SM bmaod. xoaombls Bert PYord, Pam 4 Tmstlq that the above will,hs+sostlofootor- fiy answered,yOprqUO@tiOIi8, W EM Vorr tmly yours _’ , .