:: ‘. :“. 2 .:,, j:, . . . a. _’ . . . .: . . . You hcivo stzted that 'the rieero fact.that paymsnt on : the ch3ck ma stopped indzcatcs that the person probably had tho mwoy to COVQPthe check in the bszk.at ths t'+a it waj &3X3l. " For the pwpoecs of this oplnlcn, 80 csrmse that, ti. ths.caoa pmzentod by you, the &aver of the check had, at the tine of @vln;; ths ctLEi&,~tsfficiont furs& ~vith t;fibank'cn vlilch It was &awn to pey,.not oal3 tlxitchock, but all othoor' checksr dmfta end orders upon cuch fuuds bt that Wm. And our couc~uslo~ 13 lil.l3lt6ato suc5 a stga of facts. .’ .- . ; sectron 4 of nrt1c10,1!%5, PenaX Code k 1925, &BY which prosqmtirm was XaitlIn the:.Cumlln C98Cj RaS bWSl We- ' pen+3 by Article 5676 &the P@%l Cede, Section I.; whLch read8 'no foll5vst . . - i _.~ . . ‘. ; . . .: _’ ‘. . . . tho bank, pork, firm 02 o&porsti& upm whtch it us3 Ma*wu and use uct paid. ‘! IJ. R. Allen . A``fstnnt