. MS5 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTiN to U Artlea. Ama 1. A. P. , Oh. A.io, *14h trio uplop c in Toxar are .rpnuAy pro- - taotory, pill, 80, of a ohlAd under 15 15,000 Lo QopuAatioa wl4 klrtio1e l57b work - lolLI*, a ahlid rindor Of rloAatl.on of ths working rho in not eng;a(bod in - ia the Aat Artlo:e in Uade of 1925, and r*ada "PTWibod tht n0thb8inthir Aot(DU8 ohap- tar) ehaAA be oomtrued e8 prohibltin& t&o aaWurmbnt by uy #atma OS numot, amida, par&-rorraato or others for prirato homes an6 SUiAioo, tegutders Of ,‘ their -8, aar 4 34lng ta th068 enipgd in agricul- turd pareuitr. kothtng la We Aot (thin eiieptc)r) shall apply to the u@oyaeat ef ehil.drenfor f6ru labor, 00 to tare w#a:ohohil.drea ray rork OJI fu?as, I8 te th u s ma * l p uo a t that the LoglelcItur* ha8 lo o a r it 1 0ryuleto Oa Ay tE0 uplo#unt end wo ?k le gh o ur .o f 0h iUo eao r l4toln agee *o uo uqa8od in tho onumentod typo8 or labor or In the 4081 t84p l~Oo 8~ a ndlr o o ~te fr o m thr opo?at:u of thb -au1 r kbw La** o? Texae, ohlulron .mplOfOd br o# m “dalrlom.’ A propor 4erWtiorr or the team -6alxp bnd k rtmbr louoh ior tho &648r~yIo((~prgoa* OP the sbooo puarl ltatutw uo a040atO dotudm w&thu th* Logirletutela url;w tho toem k S* r ho l nr o 4l i8 &id munt to reotrlot ita uanlaag to •x~wXe tbeeafrarthrnr la-otd~ad dalrlre *hiah only prouea and 6*1i*or auk aad auk produate. I8 Words u4 ?hmue, Paxsweat Xbltfoa, T43bl. ll, p. 8, the rou0ag 6Oflnitfon ir rooaat *& *6a ir 1 Tt8 a alatclbliebaent the sale ror or dialroibrtbioa of tilt of all& probuote.w Btete T. w08h,479 ff. F. 775, m. V&r0 oontraot for ua lOpmen of twelve gear 01a lmy et d&ry R&e not 113 e&al m4u Ohild Labor G. 1929, ArO. 1573, aot of o~ieloae of Artiole A576 by tit woon hoar8 of 10 0. m. rab old not k, bar ro0aTo~ ar OoRper~tlGaa rar hi8 du%a usdor ?torkmon*e Cekpneetton Law, Vweon*e i&n. Utr. Bt. Art8. tl)cd-6309, lo y m ia llystr r u ‘&by’ Ia Qetfn#d •~) dopm’taant of fumin(k oon8arn.d ;. .:: “< r.r,tY John 9. a.*&, Wmieelenor- P4ie3 rilk, butter, end ohooro, ail pewl~lo~ es to hours of work do not apply to empimt or oUl4rea for fUa ldmr. Aeeoafato4 CorpotrtlonY. lllbon, Irrbulrit~ Ter., 2: 5. F;. (24) 34‘ 317." Ia 17 Qorpue Jtarle, p. 696, the term Valryf 18 b nr lb o d a 81“Anyfur , ib mb o wo ,o a wh e 4B, dlk shop, or other plaoe f?u whloh milk is u&~l:la in Whleh dlk 18 kept ter ptupoaoe Of -10. ilklto r o , m l *d*lr~aaisolwloe owkoopor, pwogor c2fmilk,orkoepor or 8 641*.a Fho abaro oit8Uom oortoinly 60 not Iboa o pop- uLe.r or 1-1 4le8inotlon over hs+lag b&on mbo omoorn~ u letabUe&aeat probaoio~on4 aoUrurl.116 its all&, *to., u4 au lim%tw lte uUv~Uo8 to tho procoeelng ud ao- llvary of auk, lso. UIvriog ror tho mont that the roti Wa&ya ha8 two *t(titlo8Olon8, tho &uiding rule ia tbo OOD- 8WuoUorr oi rmbiuuouetame ueo4 in etatutor would roqaiav 22 W~t,thataouing whloh As wwal~ rlrur te it I!! 8u8 Uthte rsorfrwtlon ueuld oantxomao tho in8oaUon oi*tho L+el8tw, offeat met be &ton to tho &atutioa. 8uthorlaa4 an Bt&Outor~Cone8ruotloa, I 249, 2k9. Puaharauro, the Logl8bture be ~40 a0 attwpt to pwllry 01 1-t the roerlag oi %nlri*rm as ~04 Zn As&l: pl8e. ual~ee tha ~orolw~rde, “or other o@?loul- pursuitsa uhtsh felLa* ooa be aeib to guollry uld toreato soon oaly thoro arlrtoeeubetantid4 ooxmoetoA with tho bwlnoee oi prduW bhoir own z&U trar tholr sum oow in tholr 8wn eon o&048. wo lubrlt thet moh UI lntor- pretptlon toold k l ltnrlno4 md laprobeblo one in the li&ht of the lbovo IUiaitiinn8 owl In tirw of Wobatw*o Now Intor- ~010~1 0l8tlnau-yrdrloh dOfl.&Ioe%alrp* amng other thin@: We ue Of the Oplnlae that 8 dal+J ry he a OaiFy with10 tb0 ahO8tOr a. Ouh0E