DocketNumber: O-3933
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF ‘l-NE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Roy i. iii11 Goptlty Attorney Dallln#tr, Texas opirlioaNo. 0-5953 lfel Is a olub, aeneged end operated in bry territory,%a outlined, h&ally operated under the Taxes Liquor Gontrol Aot? Your lettw oi kiaptabr 4, 1@4l,3?equWMng en opinion of this DeparWent on thr above utated question,reeds in pert as follolorl *X hare a qUaablonI de&r, to oubnrltto you for en oplnlon, in ret&ml k, the eperntlonof e beer alub, in e dry tsrritory. A hypothatloel 8tatewmt of the oene is au f~llousc *A mabar of peruoauhero orgntisedthameelvea(ho*- arot th*m~l5 Vary lfttle orgeniaetion) for the purpaee .o&ue8ing in a oentralimd &eatfoo, In a room or bullding, -zH@ o h r o o m ia l nwabor of &okers$ saoh member hes e key to-, 8 Fridlvidaal leaker,in taot this buildtw has 6 numb6r of lookwr, in feat one for rbeehmember of the organization, OAR eneh bee mi indlvidUe1look and key, Be per8 the opera- tor my PO# a awith mat for thiislooker. In titio13oker he keep@ hi@ b#er, oon8fettngof.e oaee, or gortioaet oare, 80 whioh looker he bes eoo@mif et a4 time be desfrerr.T&e entlrs building is lookeilafter by one gerson. *The beersi.8usually put In the looker by the man who is manager of this OFgeIdb3tiOA, when recpested50 to do by the looker heldOr% Ths beer belongs to eaoh int?ividueJ., and is identifiedwhen placredin ioe box, by a labs1 on eaah bottle, 80 that be will be oerta1.rto cet his beef when he goee to the coeler sitar it. The member, or rather the OWAW of the toaker V3f&~t3PtZL~s;atlts, ZiRy'3njOy8.bottle Of beer ct his pleasure. I tihinlrthis f3 about the sat up. Iion. Roy I.. m.11, pop3 a "I hardly think it neceeszy to set out the liquor yltatuteeor the State, end I would like to have your ophlon a8 to the legalityof this kin4 of sot up, bearing In mind the statutes euthorleinge peroon to hnvo one oese of beer, or one quart of wUskey, without the legs1 preawizptlon thiet he did poeseso It for the purpose 0r sale. So beer is sold in the above plsos by any one. The atanaGer ci the club mn-ves the beer to the various aembere meted at the table, but the beer belones to eeoh lndIvIdue1,and asldo rfodi the two or three bottles kept In the oooler, it la all looked in the locker of the Ir.divldualounor. uHcw beering In mind the law eppllosbleto the poeseseion and treneportetlon of whiskeyi Is a olub mnns$ed end operated aa oatllned above, in dry territory, le~nlly operated under our liquor laws. The offlaws OS this oounty are oonfrbnted with two or three~crituatiorur aim~ler to the above set up, and we desire thet you a4vise us as to whether or not the operntion oi such joint adrsn- ture, handling auoh liquors and beer In the memar outlIned, would be Q violetion of tim llquar lawa!of Texa~W Your letter ot rje~tszabsr 11; 1941, supplementingthe above quoted letter, raeas In pert ee iollowr~ *The beer IO supposed,or oleIm*d to be brought into tNs,oounty by eutomoblle,and one oaae et a tlarr. In other words, eaoh member or tha olub plea buys and bring8 his oaee of 'beerta the olub, and either put@ his ee.80of beer IU hIo fndfvidual looker or the person i& obsrge Of the building pleoes it In the looker for hiaSt his request. The basr Is delIvered to the building RB ju$t~'Steted, oa811 at a time, I. e., eeob Individual btfnge hi8 oeee OS beer there. A#$ 80 the emcunt porseased br ang indiVidU81,~I11 sny, Just one eeee et a time, Moh looker 16 IndiVidtil owaed, or rented, and used. One looker to each IndIvIdA for his pereonal use snd bonetit. The beer ia bou&t In&I- vidualiy, one oaae at e time, end transportedfrom wet territory Into this oounty (dryj by the. lndivlduelmnOr of the beer and loakar. Ison.BOY l..Elll, pa@ 3 "My inr0maati0nis that one p0rmn, oaxlml tba muxlg0c, owns or leeses the building in which he liaaooastnaotedabout 50 indivfdUQ1 compartmntn, oo.dainlng indlr dual looks, for the use or eaoh lockor, he rctcaives Iron!SO iI gate to &l,OO eaoh per month. Tho bulldt?,f: is looked,buf:~the lndlvldual oonpartmnt owners eaoi: &TO a kep to ihe mln building, in audition to haviq. thd:r separatekeys r0r their looker. The mma@r keeps the beer load for thaa, end ho poye the 100 bill,,l-eat, anti 11@ats, rrm the prooeeds 0r hi@ looker rentnls,aooordlngto the plan or operation. The ammg:dr does not have a key to ttiu looker. The beer is oaoled in one large ioe box, to riMoh all zmabers, or looker ollmrs, p;~;~;sa tar the purpoceeof cOolin,:their beer or haring ." The Vera8 Control Aotn la set r0dih in Liquor &motet& Penal Code, li, OhaptOr 6, Artiolae 666-l Title lJIOluPlYe.hrter oar&ally oonaldorlagthe aot aa a.tiolo, fall to rind say provieion ooutalaod therein, ap00liiaaUy an4 aXtirmtlrely euthoririn(Sthe orgixniaatlon,aainturauooand opera- tion or a olub aa aboro &woclbeb. Z?eteithor do w6 iin4 say paw- ~i0i~ e~pr8my p~0hibithg th8 9~. tithe c0m 0r crirailul Appaala or thie state ha8 her&0roro ren6aredsotoral dooi8ions relative to alubs orgaulsedand operatedunderobtain fada as are hereinmaatlonedr ~0 dlreotyaur attoation tO 8 retit0r thooo eatms. In th8 crass0r Adkinr t. state, 95 5. 2. 306, tbo mQtoria1fQOtQ *ore aubatantiallyas follmvsr I,grou of men formed a olub. Tbeas mm in turn hlrecl x0& 8alary+ The rrteward ordue beer for ths a sixmard at a r f. mmbors 04 the otub and plaosd maoh beer in tha alubroaopior them. Xaoh maabm ot tha olub paid 0110dollar for a munbomhip 'urd reoelvsd tioketswhioh repr0sclated hlo lntereet ln tho beer the atsward ordered. After the keg of bsar arrived at the olub- tiaeo a tlokat was pla0ed in ths box a@ a glass of $6~ waa drawn by any mmbor who desired one, oaaX tlokst rspmaaht~ a glass of beer, The beer whlah wae ordord by the steward wars ordered for the pumhaacrs or the tick& and ;*tiQfor by raid purohasi28;. The Court of CrlmDinsiAppeals held in thin oaae that tha rcota ostabllskd Q sale or beer by the at&Ward cash time that a &ass of bear was dram bg a imaber or the club. Son. toy 2.. Hill, page 4 In ths 0QQe of Aitton Y. State, 40 8.W. 5011 of buyins beer fro2 t!ie flm at tileordinary retail prloe. fifty oeri;fi;>aid to baotze Q maMr ;":;a of tixi alleged elub wn5 all t.2 mn0y ever '*id into tLe amoern, except the usual price tar beer when pu.rohQQed. Josh rim rcoeiveia 163O dozen bottlem 0: beer in rive monthsi, kept the atook replenished with the mnay arising a oaloe to &ei?lbeM, 8x4 its pay WQA the pTOrit& The c St of Crlalnal Appmlrr or this .jtato held that this was ale&y a2z eva010n 0r thm local option law. In the oase,or grnaoek v. State, 41 2. n, 6l5, the iQote were oubetantlQ~'Qe ioliowor After the Qnaatzseht OP Q looei o~tloh law,~ a olub was %noorprated for eooial and llterery purposes,a# to provide tke oonvenieaoe of a olubrvant, It had a bllwr& table, a dog$ao,table am% twalve booka, and took a sspri-wa&lp paper. 'Zhe+bXub bought l~rg6 qmotities of intoxloant8, ahd employed an @m?..Loon keeper Qt a aronthly ealary~to eeXl thea at rota&l, t&its zismbers only, from tha bar fQnurly owned by hisi, iiad tha praoeeds of suah Sal88 ,bmaaa tis’property OS the olub. me ci3yd 0s c2w.m :.ppaio 0r this 8t8te held that the Cls\bw6s fOrSeu fOr the ptiOs0 Or Wadhg the lcmal option law. In the 0aoe of Yelme v* State. 95 B. W. 6Q6r A olub was lhnoorpoxatea for soagal pqrpoeom. Th+ numager of suoh olub dovoted his time to.the management of lka arSairs. A memberahlp iae of #&W was paid to 3&s by oaah mcebor. 'ifie of tho oLub obtained bsar by pur- alei;lbers ohaalng tlokets. 'fbe beer was obtained the day aitsl the purchase of the tfckete. Z%S maeager lnetruotedt,henembem how k, Ot‘Uer beer by stating that when the tiemberrr wanted beOr, they would put ncney in 8 box end t,ake out a tiaicet for each nickel, Qnd thet oould be prooured at the olubrcom th% fOllOWin night. 'Era uoart aold that the elub members, W~M they paid tbelr trionag~lnta the treeeury, parted wilk~ It to tihe olub, 80 that when it kept out the armey it bought beer on its own bshalr, ;3nklng tile manager liable for a sale. i It:i: Eon. aay 1..-11, pa@8 5 Them a club purchasedUquors, bouT@t with money 5n tha trcasUry, a distributionof the smm to oietmb8raat the Usual price oonetltuteda sale within t‘hcprohib5tlonlaws. In tho oas8 of ~5111ShZ:sV. States,106 3. K. (ii&) St& ths faots war8 substantldly 8s tollowat Th8 d6rMcMt Wa8 rOtSId5% the pSSS8S%On Or t8U 08S8S Of b@ar, in the,Oity aI=Abileoe, Taylor County,'Texar. bt the t* d8feK&kUtwas the manaiqer 0r what was kpQWn as the "kblD& btti8t50 Club*, whioh ha4 approxiaatsly 860 membera, a preropulsiteto mnbership bei- that m rtitten appl5oation hmQ to be mde wh5oh oalled for a dsposlt of fira dollars by th8 applicant with 86id tUkMger., UpOn b85ng approvd as a maabsr of the olub, ths applicant pa54 a monthly mm ot $1. dues, the primary purpose of th8 $8. mentioned being that It was to be used in the purohaee or merohandloe, and also that ii a mamber With&W b6 was 8ntitl.sdto the r&uTR Of h5.8$5. deposit, pm- ride4 it had not been Oonem8Q in the 5nd5Y5d~al ham* or a8rohandiasor in the payaclntof ,duoac Yihdnthe r 5. 68po8it had bee5 eon8um8d,it was also tind8rstcw,b that the S.Mbbr .. should 88p685t a aike awq ah0 the gegarml. preprty and aotLYi- ties of the c~lubar6 set out; it 56'mmls that th.6laanagm was %~ poneltt8dto sell chewing m, oi&aS& 01 oofree, milk, anrs. eoit armw ui4 pu%,:~tho business into t&8paymentor per% 8r hill 8 en manwere It 5s turther set out'5n the agnd &&XU%8flt Of raOt8 5s this ,,oasa that dome or the nmnbers of raid sthlet5o~bub hod dlraoted .. '.apoellant to haye on hand la 8ai4 olub baer for theaeir eonsump- t&n, anCd.thatthe bear upon whioh this prO686Uti~OU was baa& ha& bean or+red by various meabc)rs,~Ul that the d&MAUt had gone to meetwater, end actlw ae r of said alub and a$ant for the meplbms of sa5$ olUb, ha6 f48d With t& mneY Of aaid zmmbcrs ea5.dbeer to brin& baok i’or the mmbors of the olub. 2zaohcmaber was to pay the raanagerrifteoneente p?r container for said beer when he re0e5ve6 1158burr at said club, and said ifitsen Q8Rt deposit, iI:My, Watl d8pos5ted 5s "the m-mbera* deposit amount", to r8Q18Flish BRms and $0 b6 Used in acoordascswith the Cirection of the gldtabarc of t&c club. %%#I omager received no prorit from the sele of any baex, but Flora . ,: